vt. 营救,援救
n. 营救,救援
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- Have you ever been told because you're a girl that you should not do something?
- 有没有人说过,因为你是女生,所以你不该做某事?
- Yes. All the time. All the time. It's a constant.
- 有。一直如此。一直如此,已经是常态了。
- People think that girls are suppose to be all happy and la-di-da, you know?
- 人们认为女生就应该很开朗,
- Be kind of traditional, like don't do something too challenging.
- 要传统一点,不要做太有挑战性的事情。
- I can't really like... rescue anybody.
- 我不能拯救别人。
- Like, it's always like, the boys who rescue the girls in the stories.
- 在故事里面,通常都是男生救女生。
- I want you to go grab one of those boxes over there.
- 请你去那边拿一个箱子过来。
- This represents your limitation.
- 这代表了对你的限制。
- So I'd like you to write on each one, one of the things that you said.
- 请在箱子上面写下你刚说的那些话。
- I started holding back and not trying things out as much and just... it limited who I was.
- 我开始退缩,不再那么勇于尝试,限制了我自己。
- I quit trumpet, I quit basketball, I quit wrestling.
- 我放弃练习小号、篮球和摔跤。
- I... I... I told myself that I should stop if I'm not good.
- 我。。我告诉我自己,如果不够好就该停下来。
- And did you quit? For a week.
- 所以你就放弃了吗?放弃了一个礼拜吧。
- And then what happened?
- 之后发生了什么?
- I proved them wrong by trying harder to get better.
- 我更努力让自己进步,证明别人是错的。
- I tried to behave what other people want me to behave and then I found that was horrible.
- 我想按照别人认为我该怎么做而做,结果我发现那样糟透了。
- So I said, "Okay, no more!"
- 所以我说,我再也不要那样了。
- What do you want to do with that box?
- 你想怎么处置这个箱子?
- I really want to break this box or maybe explode it or something.
- 我真的想弄坏这个箱子,或是把它炸烂之类的。
- Kick' em. Go for it. Wait. Are you serious?
- 通通踢烂。那就动脚吧。等等,你是认真的?
- I think you need to keep going with whatever you love to do, and do anything you want.
- 我认为你应该继续做那些自己热爱的事情,做任何想做的事情。
- You can conquer any fear you've had and just live your dream and do whatever you want to do and...
- 你可以战胜所有恐惧,实现自己的梦想,做任何自己想做的事情...
- That's why I love the word unstoppable.
- 这就是为什么我喜欢“不可阻挡”这个词。

重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
rescue | ['reskju:] | 联想记忆 | ||
limited | ['limitid] | |||
traditional | [trə'diʃənəl] | |||
constant | ['kɔnstənt] | 联想记忆 | ||
challenging | ['tʃælindʒiŋ] | |||
explode | [iks'pləud] | |||
trumpet | ['trʌmpit] | |||
conquer | [.kɔŋkə] | 联想记忆 | ||
limitation | [.limi'teiʃən] |

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