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权利的游戏 第830期:第四十七章 布兰(17)

来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Mikken had fixed iron manacles to her ankles, with a heavy chain between them;
  • 密肯打造了一副脚镣,用沉重的铁链相连,扣住她两边脚踝;
  • she could walk, so long as she kept her strides small, but there was no way for her to run, or climb, or mount a horse.
  • 她能小步走路,但绝对跑不了,也没办法爬墙或骑马。
  • "They see you, boy. They hear you talking.
  • “小子,他们看到了你,也听到了你说的话。
  • That rustling, that's them talking back."
  • 树叶的声音就是他们的回答。”
  • What are they saying?
  • “他们在说什么?”
  • They're sad. Your lord brother will get no help from them, not where he's going.
  • “他们很哀伤。你的城主哥哥要去的地方,他们无法帮他。
  • The old gods have no power in the south.
  • 旧神在南方没有力量,
  • The weirwoods there were all cut down, thousands of years ago.
  • 那儿的鱼梁木早在几千年前就被砍伐一空。
  • How can they watch your brother when they have no eyes?
  • 没有眼睛,他们该如何看顾你哥哥呢?”
  • Bran had not thought of that.
  • 布兰没想到这层。
  • It frightened him. If even the gods could not help his brother, what hope was there?
  • 于是他害怕起来,若是连天上诸神都无法帮助哥哥,那还有何希望?
  • Maybe Osha wasn't hearing them right.
  • 或许是欧莎听错了。
  • He cocked his head and tried to listen again.
  • 他歪着头,想要亲自再听听看,
  • He thought he could hear the sadness now, but nothing more than that.
  • 这回他听出了风中的哀伤,但仅此而已。
  • The rustling grew louder. Bran heard muffled footfalls and a low humming,
  • 沙沙声渐大,混杂着模糊的脚步和低沉的哼歌,
  • and Hodor came blundering out of the trees, naked and smiling. "Hodor!"
  • 浑身赤裸的阿多大步从林子里跑出来,面带微笑。“阿多!”
  • He must have heard our voices, Bran said. "Hodor, you forgot your clothes."
  • “他一定是听到了我们的声音,”布兰说,“阿多,你忘记穿衣服啰。”
  • Hodor, Hodor agreed. He was dripping wet from the neck down, steaming in the chill air.
  • “阿多!”阿多同意。他从头到脚滴着水,在冷空气里冒烟。
  • His body was covered with brown hair, thick as a pelt. Between his legs, his manhood swung long and heavy.
  • 他浑身长满褐色体毛,厚厚的活像一层皮,又长又大的命根子垂挂在两脚之间。


Mikken had fixed iron manacles to her ankles, with a heavy chain between them;

she could walk, so long as she kept her strides small, but there was no way for her to run, or climb, or mount a horse.
"They see you, boy. They hear you talking.
That rustling, that's them talking back."
What are they saying?
They're sad. Your lord brother will get no help from them, not where he's going.
The old gods have no power in the south.
The weirwoods there were all cut down, thousands of years ago.
How can they watch your brother when they have no eyes?
Bran had not thought of that.
It frightened him. If even the gods could not help his brother, what hope was there?
Maybe Osha wasn't hearing them right.
He cocked his head and tried to listen again.
He thought he could hear the sadness now, but nothing more than that.
The rustling grew louder. Bran heard muffled footfalls and a low humming,
and Hodor came blundering out of the trees, naked and smiling. "Hodor!"
He must have heard our voices, Bran said. "Hodor, you forgot your clothes."
Hodor, Hodor agreed. He was dripping wet from the neck down, steaming in the chill air.
His body was covered with brown hair, thick as a pelt. Between his legs, his manhood swung long and heavy.

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adj. 听不清的;蒙住的 v. 裹住;蒙住…的头;捂住

frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的





