On March 18, 1991, Steven Paul Jobs, thirty-six, married Laurene Powell, twenty-seven, at the Ahwahnee Lodge in Yosemite National Park.
Built in the 1920s, the Ahwahnee is a sprawling pile of stone, concrete, and timber designed in a style
that mixed Art Deco, the Arts and Crafts movement, and the Park Service's love of huge fireplaces.
Its best features are the views. It has floor-to-ceiling windows looking out on Half Dome and Yosemite Falls.
About fifty people came, including Steve's father Paul Jobs and sister Mona Simpson.
She brought her fiancé, Richard Appel, a lawyer who went on to become a television comedy writer.
(As a writer for The Simpsons, he named Homer's mother after his wife.)
Jobs insisted that they all arrive by chartered bus; he wanted to control all aspects of the event.
The ceremony was in the solarium, with the snow coming down hard and Glacier Point just visible in the distance.

It was conducted by Jobs's longtime Sōtō Zen teacher, Kobun Chino,
who shook a stick, struck a gong, lit incense, and chanted in a mumbling manner that most guests found incomprehensible.
"I thought he was drunk," said Tevanian. He wasn't.
The wedding cake was in the shape of Half Dome, the granite crest at the end of Yosemite Valley,
but since it was strictly vegan--devoid of eggs, milk, or any refined products--more than a few of the guests found it inedible.
Afterward they all went hiking, and Powell's three strapping brothers launched a snowball fight, with lots of tackling and roughhousing.
"You see, Mona," Jobs said to his sister, "Laurene is descended from Joe Namath and we're descended from John Muir."