You can't please everybody. This is a statement I hear all the time.
I've been told it virtually every day and so my real question is why not and here's my theory about this guys.
I think because this statement has been so adopted and accepted
that I find that people don't even try anymore and I think that's where the big problem is.
I actually think that this is probably the fundamental core of why at some level I've been successful in everything that I've done,
business-wise and life-wise, of course not everything, but you know what I mean right like globally I'm successful because
I really really try to please everybody. I'm uncomfortable with being disliked, obviously having a big personality
and being an East Coast guy and having that flavor and that intensity and that passion is a little too much for some people.
More importantly, I just am confused on why people don't try. Now I understand being thin-skinned, you know that's just a DNA thing right,
or not liking it or maybe you're so big. You can't fundamentally go after everything,
but for me egosurfing you know, following your name everywhere whether it's Twitter, Facebook and especially Google Alerts,
especially in the blog Google Alerts is essential, not because you want to read the press that you're awesome and amazingly good-looking and all that.
No!No!Not that!You want to do this my friends because when you see something negative,
I highly recommend that you go and read it with an open mind, understanding who you are. Don't lie to yourself
and then respectfully get in contact with that person. This has been something that I've done very often
not because I think it's brilliant or it's good marketing or all that, because it's the right thing to do right?
I mean I'd love coming back and accepting and respecting other people's opinions even about myself.
Does it hurt? It does. You know does it stink that not everybody really knows who you are. Of course it does.
But we're all putting ourselves out there. Don't get it twisted. We are all now personal brands.
The second you create a profile on any social network, you are now in the game, yes you are in the game
and so I think it is imperative to really go out and try. I mean why not give another effort to another human being,
giving effort to another human being and really try to get them, to let them get to know you right?
To come through to, you know let them see who you are. Let them see your heart. Let them see your soul.
I think the effort is massively lacking in our society right now and as technology breeds all sorts of opportunities for people to communicate about you,
I think it's more important than effort to give a huge effort.
So you can't please everybody, but why not try? I am.