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权利的游戏 第1001期:第五十六章 提利昂(10)

来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • When her eyes were closed and her breathing deep and steady,
  • 待她闭上双眼,呼吸变得深沉而规律,
  • Tyrion slid out from beneath her, gently, so as not to disturb her sleep.
  • 提利昂轻轻地从她体下抽身离去,惟恐打扰她好梦。
  • Naked, he crawled outside, stepped over his squire, and walked around behind his tent to make water.
  • 他浑身赤裸地下床,跨过他的侍从,走到帐篷后去撒尿。
  • Bronn was seated cross-legged under a chestnut tree, near where they'd tied the horses.
  • 波隆盘腿坐在一棵栗子树下,靠近拴马的地方,
  • He was honing the edge of his sword, wide awake; the sellsword did not seem to sleep like other men.
  • 睡意全无地磨着利剑;这佣兵似乎不像别人那般需要睡眠。
  • "Where did you find her?" Tyrion asked him as he pissed.
  • “你在哪儿找到她的?”提利昂一边尿,一边问他。
  • I took her from a knight. The man was loath to give her up,
  • “从一个骑士手上抢的,那家伙根本不愿放弃她,
  • but your name changed his thinking somewhat... that, and my dirk at his throat.
  • 是你的名字让他改变了主意……当然,还有我架在他脖子上的匕首。”
  • Splendid, Tyrion said dryly, shaking off the last drops.
  • “好极了,”提利昂苦涩地说,一边甩干最后几滴尿液。
  • "I seem to recall saying find me a whore, not make me an enemy."
  • “我记得我说的是‘帮我找个妓女’,不是‘帮我造个敌人’。”
  • The pretty ones were all claimed, Bronn said.
  • “漂亮的早抢光了,”波隆道,
  • "I'll be pleased to take her back if you'd prefer a toothless drab."
  • “你要想换个没牙的丑婆娘,我很乐意帮你把她送回去。”
  • Tyrion limped closer to where he sat.
  • 提利昂跛着脚走到他身边坐下。
  • "My lord father would call that insolence, and send you to the mines for impertinence."
  • “你这话要给我老爸听到,必定被加上无礼放肆的罪名,发配去挖矿。”
  • Good for me you're not your father, Bronn replied.
  • “好在你不是你老爸,”波隆回答,
  • "I saw one with boils all over her nose. Would you like her?"
  • “还有一个鼻子长满疱子的,你要么?”
  • What, and break your heart? Tyrion shot back. "I shall keep Shae.
  • “那岂不伤了你的心?”提利昂回敬,“我就留着雪伊。
  • Did you perchance note the name of this knight you took her from?
  • 你不会刚巧注意到那骑士叫什么名字吧?
  • I'd rather not have him beside me in the battle."
  • 打仗的时候,我可不想让他在我身边。”


When her eyes were closed and her breathing deep and steady, Tyrion slid out from beneath her, gently, so as not to disturb her sleep. Naked, he crawled outside, stepped over his squire, and walked around behind his tent to make water.

Bronn was seated cross-legged under a chestnut tree, near where they'd tied the horses. He was honing the edge of his sword, wide awake; the sellsword did not seem to sleep like other men. "Where did you find her?" Tyrion asked him as he pissed.
I took her from a knight. The man was loath to give her up, but your name changed his thinking somewhat... that, and my dirk at his throat.
Splendid, Tyrion said dryly, shaking off the last drops. "I seem to recall saying find me a whore, not make me an enemy."
The pretty ones were all claimed, Bronn said. "I'll be pleased to take her back if you'd prefer a toothless drab."
Tyrion limped closer to where he sat. "My lord father would call that insolence, and send you to the mines for impertinence."
Good for me you're not your father, Bronn replied. "I saw one with boils all over her nose. Would you like her?"
What, and break your heart? Tyrion shot back. "I shall keep Shae. Did you perchance note the name of this knight you took her from? I'd rather not have him beside me in the battle."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
knight [nait]


n. 骑士,爵士,武士 vt. 授以爵位

disturb [dis'tə:b]


v. 扰乱,妨碍,使 ... 不安

tent [tent]


n. 帐篷
v. 住帐篷,宿营

steady ['stedi]


adj. 稳定的,稳固的,坚定的
v. 使稳固

insolence ['insələns]


n. 傲慢;傲慢无礼的行为

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

drab [dræb]


adj. 土褐色的,单调的,乏味的 n. 邋遢女人,娼妓

impertinence [im'pə:tinəns,-nənsi]


n. 鲁莽,无理;不恰当

loath [ləuθ]


adj. 勉强的;不情愿的(等于loth)





