Sir Jorah frowned. "Princess, hear me. The Dothraki will not follow a suckling babe. Drogo's strength was what they bowed to, and only that. When he is gone, Jhaqo and Pono and the other kos will fight for his place, and this khalasar will devour itself. The winner will want no more rivals. The boy will be taken from your breast the moment he is born. They will give him to the dogs... "
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- Sir Jorah frowned. "Princess, hear me.
- 乔拉爵士皱起眉头。“公主殿下,请听我说。
- The Dothraki will not follow a suckling babe.
- 多斯拉克人绝不会追随嗷嗷待哺的婴儿,
- Drogo's strength was what they bowed to, and only that.
- 他们臣服于卓戈的威势,但仅止于此。
- When he is gone, Jhaqo and Pono and the other kos will fight for his place, and this khalasar will devour itself.
- 卓戈死后,贾科、波诺及其他‘寇’便会争夺他的地位,整个卡拉萨将自相残杀,
- The winner will want no more rivals.
- 而最后的胜者一定不会留下对手的活口。
- The boy will be taken from your breast the moment he is born. They will give him to the dogs... "
- 你的孩子刚一出生就会被夺走,被他们拿去喂狗……”
- Dany hugged herself. "But why?"
- 丹妮的双手紧紧抱住胸口。“可这是为什么?”
- she cried plaintively. "Why should they kill a little baby?"
- 她哀怨地哭道,“为什么他们要杀一个小婴儿?”
- He is Drogo's son, and the crones say he will be the stallion who mounts the world. It was prophesied.
- “因为他是卓戈的儿子,况且老妪们宣布他将成为骑着世界的骏马,他的成就已被预言。
- Better to kill the child than to risk his fury when he grows to manhood.
- 与其冒让他长大成人后回来复仇的风险,不如趁他年纪还小时杀了他。”
- The child kicked inside her, as if he had heard.
- 此话仿佛给胎儿听到,他在她肚子里应声踢打起来。
- Dany remembered the story Viserys had told her, of what the Usurper's dogs had done to Rhaegar's children.
- 丹妮想起韦赛里斯说过的故事,篡夺者的走狗是如何啃食雷加的孩儿。
- His son had been a babe as well, yet they had ripped him from his mother's breast and dashed his head against a wall.
- 大哥的儿子当年也只是个襁褓里的婴儿,但他们依旧将他从母亲的怀抱里硬生生夺走,一头撞死在墙上。
- That was the way of men.
- 这就是男人。
- "They must not hurt my son!" she cried. "I will order my khas to keep him safe, and Drogo's bloodriders will..."
- “他们绝不能伤害我儿子!”她叫道,“我将命令我的卡斯部众保护他的安全,卓戈的血盟卫也会——”
- Sir Jorah held her by the shoulders.
- 乔拉爵士搂住她的肩膀。
- "A bloodrider dies with his khal. You know that, child.
- “孩子,血盟卫会陪卡奥殉死,这你是知道的。
- They will take you to Vaes Dothrak, to the crones, that is the last duty they owe him in life ...
- 他们会带你去维斯·多斯拉克,将你交付给老妪,那是他们在世间对他所付的最后职责……
- when it is done, they will join Drogo in the night lands."
- 在那之后,他们便会追随卓戈进入夜晚的国度。”

Dany hugged herself. "But why?" she cried plaintively. "Why should they kill a little baby?"
He is Drogo's son, and the crones say he will be the stallion who mounts the world. It was prophesied. Better to kill the child than to risk his fury when he grows to manhood.
The child kicked inside her, as if he had heard. Dany remembered the story Viserys had told her, of what the Usurper's dogs had done to Rhaegar's children. His son had been a babe as well, yet they had ripped him from his mother's breast and dashed his head against a wall. That was the way of men. "They must not hurt my son!" she cried. "I will order my khas to keep him safe, and Drogo's bloodriders will..."
Sir Jorah held her by the shoulders. "A bloodrider dies with his khal. You know that, child. They will take you to Vaes Dothrak, to the crones, that is the last duty they owe him in life ... when it is done, they will join Drogo in the night lands."

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