1. in the wake of ……之后
Sarkozy said those calling for all nuclear power plants to be shut down in the wake of the Fukushima crisis should be more realistic.
萨科齐表示,福岛核电站危机之后呼吁关闭所有核电站的人应该更加现实一点 。
2. be awash in 淹没在……之中
By the end of the 90s, Pitt was awash in the trappings of celebrity but says he hankered after greater focus and fulfilment.
20世纪90年代末,皮特深陷名人陷阱之中,但是他渴望更大的关注和成就 。
3. steeped in 泡在……之中
On other days he would be steeped in gloom, as if his burden was too heavy to bear.
另一些天他垂头丧气,无精打采,仿佛已不堪重负 。
4. take precedence over 优先于
The assertion that your right should take precedence over mine is unlikely to find favour with me if it is put in the form of a demand.
我是绝不会答应你让你的权利凌驾于我的权利之上的 。
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