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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

I'm going to tell you something that happened to me the other day.


I was on the internet. I was searching on how to remove red wine stains from a People's Choice Award.

我在上网 搜索如何洗掉人民选择奖上面的红酒渍

So I'm scrolling. I'm minding my own business, and then an ad popped up, and I have no idea why it popped up.

我滑动着页面 专注于我的目的 然后就蹦出来了一条广告 我也不知道它为啥就跳出来了

But this is the ad. Specialty casting for look and sound alikes.

这就是那条广告 长相和声音模拟特长演员

I don't know what that had to do with anything I was searching for, and these are celebrity impersonators that you can hire for events.

我不知道这跟我搜索的内容有啥半毛钱关系 这些是你举办活动时可以雇佣的名人模仿者


As you can see, there's Hillary Clinton there, deep in thought.

可以看到 有希拉里·克林顿 沉思版的

It looks pretty much like her. That's a look alike.

看起来还挺像的 这是模仿的长相

And then there's a Johnny Depp lookalike there, who looks a little more like a home repair guy on HGTV.

然后是约翰尼·德普 看起来更像是HGTV(家园频道)上的家庭修理工

Doesn't he look like one of those guys on HGTV?


Anyway, and then there's a woman in the middle.

总之 中间还有个女人

I don't know who she's supposed to be.


I don't know who that's supposed to be.


What do you think, Eva Longoria? Yeah? Really?

你们觉得是谁 伊娃·朗格利亚吗 是吗 真的?

I don't think it looks like her. But anyway.

我觉得不像 总之呢

I'm not in the market for a celebrity impersonator because I can get the actual celebrities here.

我不需要名人模仿这项服务 因为我在节目上能请到真正的名人

I've had Hillary here. I've had Johnny Depp here.

希拉里来过 约翰尼·德普来过

And again, I don't know who was in the middle, but I'm sure she's been here.

中间那个不知道是谁 但我肯定她也来过我的节目

I was curious to see more. See, they got me.

我很好奇 想多看一些 他们成功吸引了我

So I clicked on and went onto their website.


And I was skeptical at first, but then there's actually some of them that aren't bad.

一开始我还挺怀疑的 后来发现有些人模仿的还不错

Bradley Cooper looks a little like Bradley Cooper.


A little creepier kind of. Like kind of stalk-y looking.

只不过是更诡异版的 更狡猾版的

Then there's a Mariah Carey look alike right there. Yeah.

然后是玛丽亚·凯莉也还挺像 嗯

Kind of. And then there's Fidel Castro.

有点像 然后是菲德尔·卡斯特罗

Perfect for your kid's dictator themed birthday party.

孩子举办独裁者生日派对的时候 请他最合适了

Guess who's here, kids?

猜猜谁来了 孩子们?

And then I came across a me impersonator.


I didn't know I had one, but here she is. That's her.

我都不知道还有人模仿我呢 这就是

So what do you think? Does she look like me?

你们觉得咋样 像我吗

I mean, I can see the hair is similar and I guess so.

我觉得头发还挺像的 有点像

And then I want to see-- because it said sound alike, too, so there was a video that she posted.

然后我想看 因为它说还有声音模仿 这有一个她发布的视频

So I watched it, and so you have to.

我看了一下 你们也要看一下

Thank you. Right back atcha. Kakah.

谢谢大家 你也是 啊哈

I mean, I haven't done kakah. Like I did it the first two years.

我没有啊哈了 只有节目播出前两年的时候我才那样

Does anyone remember that I used to go, kakah?


But that's like a 10-year-old impression. She's got to like update it.

那都是十年前的事了 她得跟上时代呀

Then she tried to tell some jokes. Here's one of them.

然后她又说了些笑话 这是一个

Wow. What a great looking audience tonight.

哇哦 今晚的观众们真漂亮啊

Yes. You're very, very attractive.

没错 你们非常非常好看

Matter of fact, you should turn around and look at one another.

其实 你们应该转身看着彼此

You're that attractive. Yeah.

你们就是那么有魅力 对

I mean, there's more flair in here than a waiter at TGI Friday's, folks.

这里的天生丽质比TGI Friday's的服务生都厉害呢

Trust me. I should know.

相信我 这个我肯定知道

She says, trust me. I should know. And I was like, why did she say that?

她说相信我 这个我肯定知道 我在想 她为什么要这么说

And then someone explained to me that on the internet,

然后有人跟我解释了一下 说在网上

it says that I worked as a waitress at TGI Friday's, which is extremely not true.

说我在TGI Friday's当过服务生 根本没这回事儿

Maybe it was someone who looked like me. I don't know.

可能是某个跟我长得很像的人在那儿干过 我不清楚

It worked because when I went into it, I found another impersonator that I thought that you would enjoy today.

还是有作用的 因为我在这个网站上看到了另一个模仿者 你们一定会喜欢的

So everyone, get on your feet for a look alike Gloria Estefan.

各位 请起立欢迎葛洛利亚·埃斯特芬模仿者

Oh yeah. Come on, everybody. Put those hands together.

哦耶 快点 所有人 鼓起掌来

I want to see everybody doing the conga. And are you ready?

我想看所有人跳康茄舞 准备好了吗

One, two, three. Hey. One, two, three. Hey. One, two, three. Hey. One, two. Come on.

1 2 3 嘿 1 2 3 嘿 1 2 3 嘿 1 2 快

Oh yeah. Come on, everybody. Shake it, baby. Come on, Ellen. You've got to shake it, mami. Love you.

哦耶 快点 所有人 摇起来 宝贝儿 快啊 艾伦 你得摇起来 爱你们哦

重点单词   查看全部解释    
update [ʌp'deit]


v. 更新,补充最新资料
n. 更新

curious ['kjuəriəs]


adj. 好奇的,奇特的

celebrity [si'lebriti]


n. 名人,名誉,社会名流

remove [ri'mu:v]


v. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁
n. 去除

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

impression [im'preʃən]


n. 印象,效果

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

attractive [ə'træktiv]


adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的

skeptical ['skeptikəl]


adj. 怀疑的





