1. pay a visit 去看望……
We need to pay Grandma a visit and see how her trip to Florida was.
我们应该去看看祖母,问问她在佛罗里达玩儿得好不好 。
2. by day's end 到当天结束前
Three other Cabinet positions are to be filled by day's end.
其它三位内阁阁员的名单也预定在当日出炉 。
3. midway through 正在……中
Mykhaylo, who did not give his last name, is midway through basic training.
没有透露自己姓氏的马卡亚罗尚在基础训练当中 。
4. could not be more... 极其
Superficially, he and the boyish Mr Campbell could not be more different.
表面上看,他和稚气未脱的坎贝尔先生两人可谓是极为不同 。
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