1.food stamp 食品券
The next section documents the implementation behind the food stamp participation display you now understand as a user.
下一节解释您现在作为用户能看懂的食品券参与率显示图背后的实现 。
2.poverty level 贫困水平
The official poverty level in the US now is $22025 for a family of 4 and $10991 for unrelated individuals.
现阶段美国贫困人口的官方划分标准为:4口之家年收入低于22025美元,个人收入低于10991美元 。
3.major factors 主要因素
Working pressure and heated competition are the major factors behind the phenomenon.
工作压力和激烈的竞争是导致这一现象的主要因素 。
4.food insecure 粮食不安全
People who are already vulnerable and food insecure are likely to become even more so.
已经很脆弱的人口和粮食不安全状况很可能进一步恶化 。
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