1. in keeping with 与……保持一致
The official said such a program would be in keeping with other measures to help workers who have lost jobs in the current recession.
官员表示,这样的计划将与援助失业者的其它措施保持一致 。
2. be cleared up 消除
A good bit of misunderstanding between our militaries can be cleared up by reaching out to each other.
通过互相沟通,我们两国军方之间小的误解就可以得到消除 。
3. cringe at 畏缩不前
She cringed at the sight of the dissected frog.
4. pointing to 针对
Gay-marriage supporters also reject the argument based on children, pointing to America's changing social reality.
同性婚姻的支持者们也针对美国变化中的社会现实,驳斥了基于养育子女问题的论点 。
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