1. tributes from 来自……的赞颂/致敬
A flood of tributes from fans, who were unaware of his illness, also appeared on the web.
网络上,那些没有意识到他得病的粉丝们的赞扬之词不绝 。
2. advocate for 倡导
Although WHO was not a funding agency, Dr Chan said she took it as part of her job to advocate for the poor.
尽管世卫组织不属资助机构,但陈博士表示,她所作的部分工作是倡导关注穷人 。
3. several times over 数次
These lobes provide evidence for powerful eruptions occurring several times over the last ten thousand years.
这些气体团证实了在过去一万年里曾发生过数次猛烈的喷发 。
4. call for an end to 要求结束
Another claim, that he was, in 1968, one of the first Western politicians to call for an end to apartheid, is simply bunk.
他甚至称,1968年,肯尼迪是第一位呼吁终止种族隔离的西方政治家 。简直一派胡言!
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