South Africa’s finance minister, Nhlanhla Nene, resigned after testifying that he had met the Gupta family, which is at the centre of allegations of cronyism and “state capture”, more often than he had previously disclosed. There was no indication that Mr Nene had done anything illegal or immoral. He was replaced by a former governor of the central bank, Tito Mboweni.
南非财政部长恩兰拉·内内(Nhlanhla Nene)在被证实曾与古普塔家族会面后辞职(该家族是任人唯亲以及“国家俘获”指控的焦点)。他们实际见面的次数比他此前披露的更多。没有迹象表明内内先生曾有过任何违法或不道德行为。他的继任者是前中央银行行长提托·姆波维尼(Tito Mboweni)。
A presidential election took place peacefully in most parts of Cameroon, although violence was reported in English-speaking regions. Counting is expected to take two weeks.

Turkish officials said they think Jamal Khashoggi, a prominent Saudi journalist and government critic, was murdered and dismembered inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul by a team of Saudi agents on orders from the royal court.
土耳其官员表示,他们认为沙特著名记者、政府批评人士贾马尔·卡舒吉(Jamal Khashoggi)是在沙特驻伊斯坦布尔领事馆内被一队沙特特工谋杀、肢解,这些特工收到了王室的暗杀令。
Viktoria Marinova, a journalist, was raped and murdered in Bulgaria. Last month, she hosted a television show reporting on a big fraud case involving the misuse of EU subsidies. This is the third recent murder in Europe of a journalist who had been investigating corruption.
记者马里诺娃(Viktoria Marinova)在保加利亚被奸杀。上个月,她主持了一档电视节目,报道了一起涉及滥用欧盟补贴的重大欺诈案件。这是最近欧洲发生的第三起记者因调查腐败遭谋杀的案件。
Two astronauts, a Russian and an American, en route to the International Space Station, survived the malfunction of their Soyuz launch rocket. Their capsule separated from the booster and landed safely in Kazakhstan.
Britain’s Supreme Court ruled in favour of a Christian-owned bakery in Northern Ireland that refused to make a cake with a slogan supporting gay marriage, which remains illegal in the province. The judges found that the bakers had not refused to serve the customer who ordered the cake on the basis of his sexuality, and were justified on free-speech grounds in not baking the message he wanted displayed on it.
The UN-backed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change urged governments to take action to keep the Earth’s temperature to within 1.5{+o}C (2.7 {+o}F) of pre-industrial levels, a tougher goal than keeping the temperature “well below” 2{+o}C that was agreed to in the Paris climate accord of 2015.
Hurricane Michael tore through Florida’s Panhandle. The category-four storm was the strongest to hit the region in a century. It caught forecasters off guard when it intensified rapidly over the Gulf of Mexico in just a couple of days.

Brett Kavanaugh started work as a justice on America’s Supreme Court after the Senate voted 50-48 to approve him, the narrowest margin for confirming a judge to the court since 1881. Mr Kavanaugh appointed an all-female team of law clerks to his office, a first for the court.
在参议院以50-48的票数获得通过后,布雷特·卡瓦诺(Brett Kavanaugh)就任美国最高法院大法官,他成为1881年以来获得确认优势最微弱的大法官。卡瓦诺任命了一组全部由女性组成的法官助手团队,这在最高法院尚属首次。
A Chinese intelligence officer was extradited from Belgium to the United States, where he was charged with economic espionage for trying to appropriate trade secrets from American aviation companies. It is the first time that an alleged Chinese spy has been brought to America to stand trial.
The White House began the search for a new American ambassador to the UN after Nikki Haley said she would step down from the job at the end of the year.
在尼基·黑莉(Nikki Haley)表示将于今年底卸任美国驻联合国大使后,白宫开始物色新任驻联合国大使。
Donald Trump said he had no plans to fire Rod Rosenstein as deputy attorney-general. Mr Rosenstein was thought to be on his way out after it was reported that he had mooted removing Mr Trump from office through constitutional means.
唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)表示,他没有解雇罗德·罗森斯坦(Rod Rosenstein)副检察长的打算。有报道称,罗森斯坦曾提议利用宪法将特朗普赶下台,此后外界认为他即将“被炒鱿鱼”。