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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

OK, so first of all, and I said to you earlier congratulations that you're part of this film.

好 首先 之前我已经恭喜过你出演这部电影了

This was really important for you to be a part of this, right?

这对你而言非常重要 对吧?

You know, to be a part of a movie where like the goal is obviously to make a great movie,

能够出演这部电影 很明显 我们的目标是拍一部特别棒的电影

but way above that, there's a much, much, much bigger goal at hand here.

但又不限于此 我们有远比这更宏大的目标

And we're trying to make some like real tangible change.



And hopefully this movie is a step in that direction.


Yeah, I think it will be. I think it's a very important film for people to see.

嗯 肯定会的 我觉得让人们看到这部电影非常重要

All right, so are we all competitive? I'm competitive.

好 大家都喜欢竞争吧?我很喜欢的

Is everybody competitive? Yeah, me. Sort of, yeah.

大家都有竞争性吗?嗯 我有 还可以吧

Depends what it is. OK, well, Lucas and I are on--

那要看是什么了 好 我和Lucas是

This, maybe not so much. Well, you-- I'll try.

这个可能不是那么喜欢 我会尽力的

All right, we're against each other.

好 我们是竞争对手

It's Australians against Americans. And so we're on the same team.

澳大利亚人对美国人 所以我们是一队

But that means that we're in-- that you're in each-- you have this--

也就是说我们 你俩 你们

you're in the same pants, and we're in the same pants.

你俩穿同一条裤子 我俩穿一条裤子

And the goal is that I have to get-- whoever gets the most balls in their pants is going to win.

游戏目标是我得 往裤子里装进最多球的那一队获胜

So Well, let's put it-- I'll explain. Let's go over here and let's--

所以 来装吧 我来给你们解释 到这边来

so Lucas and Troy, you're over here. And--

Lucas跟Troy 你俩在这儿

Which one? Where are we? Y'all are here.


And you're facing this way. You and I are trying to get these. What are you doing, Troy?

面朝这边 我俩要抢这些 你在干嘛Troy

They're trying to get-- Oh, I get it.

他们要 哦 我明白了

So we're-- OK-- Yeah. OK. So--

我们 好 嗯 好 那

10 people to put my pants on.


Every morning people put my pants on.


Oh, the things I do for you, Ellen.

哦 我这都是为了你啊 艾伦

We ready? No, no. Go!

准备好了吗?不行 别 开始

You're so strong. Ellen!

你力气好大呀 艾伦

Ha, you are so strong. 8, 7, 6, 5-- Troy, throw me a ball.

哈 你好有劲啊 8 7 6 5 给我扔个球

--4, 3, 2, 1.

4 3 2 1

Troy, throw me the-- How did that happen? I literally can't stand up.

Troy 扔给我 什么情况?我站都站不起来

I've got my balls. All right, I think we won.

我扯到蛋了 好 应该是我们赢了

I think so, too. I'm pretty sure. Who counts it?

我也觉得 我很确定 谁来数?

I don't think you've got any. I've got--

你一个球都没抓到 我抓了

How many balls do you have in your-- Three. Three.

你们有多少球 3个 3个

All right. How many did you get? A lot. You're so strong.

好 你抓了几个 很多 你太有劲了

Can I just say she's crazy competitive and crazy strong.

我能不能说她超有竞争性 而且超级力大

That's right. Boy Erased opens in select theaters.

没错 《被抹去的男孩》在部分影院上映

I'll never do this with you again. Yes, you will.

我再也不跟你玩这个了 不 你会的

Boy Erased opens in select theaters this Friday.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
competitive [kəm'petitiv]


adj. 竞争的,比赛的

tangible ['tændʒəbl]


adj. 有形的,可触摸的,确凿的,实际的





