The gold cloak laughed. "This lot?" said a big lout with a broken nose. "Who's first?" he shouted, showing his steel.
Tarber plucked a pitchfork out of a bale of hay. "I am."
No, I am, called Cutjack, the plump stonemason, pulling his hammer off the leather apron he always wore.
Me. Kurz came up off the ground with his skinning knife in hand.
Me and him. Koss strung his longbow.
All of us, said Reysen, snatching up the tall hardwood walking staff he carried.
Dobber stepped naked out of the bathhouse with his clothes in a bundle, saw what was happening, and dropped everything but his dagger. "Is it a fight?" he asked.

I guess, said Hot Pie, scrambling on all fours for a big rock to throw. Arya could not believe what she was seeing. She hated Hot Pie! Why would he risk himself for her?
The one with the broken nose still thought it was funny. "You girls put away them rocks and sticks before you get spanked. None of you knows what end of a sword to hold."
I do! Arya wouldn't let them die for her like Syrio. She wouldn't! Shoving through the hedge with Needle in hand, she slid into a water dancer's stance.
Broken Nose guffawed. The officer looked her up and down. "Put the blade away, little girl, no one wants to hurt you."
I'm not a girl! she yelled, furious. What was wrong with them? They rode all this way for her and here she was and they were just smiling at her. "I'm the one you want."