It couldn't be, Arya thought, but when she glanced back, they were riding up the kingsroad, six in the black ringmail and golden cloaks of the City Watch. One was an officer; he wore a black enamel breastplate ornamented with four golden disks. They drew up in front of the inn.
Look with your eyes, Syrio's voice seemed to whisper. Her eyes saw white lather under their saddles; the horses had been ridden long and hard. Calm as still water, she took the Bull by the arm and drew him back behind a tall flowering hedge.
What is it? he asked. "What are you doing? Let go."
Quiet as a shadow, she whispered, pulling him down.

Some of Yoren's other charges were sitting in front of the bathhouse, waiting their turn at a tub. "You men," one of the gold cloaks shouted. "You the ones left to take the black?"
We might be, came the cautious answer.
We'd rather join you boys, old Reysen said. "We hear it's cold on that Wall."
The gold cloak officer dismounted. "I have a warrant for a certain boy—"
Yoren stepped out of the inn, fingering his tangled black beard. "Who is it wants this boy?"
The other gold cloaks were dismounting to stand beside their horses. "Why are we hiding?" the Bull whispered.
It's me they want, Arya whispered back. His ear smelled of soap. "You be quiet."