With his big gut and barrel chest, his flat nose and bristly black jaw, Noye did not make a pretty sight, but he was a welcome one nonetheless. The armorer had proved himself a good friend.
They smell of summer, Jon said as Ser Endrew bullrushed his foe and knocked him sprawling. "Where did Conwy find them?"
A lord's dungeon near Gulltown, the smith replied. "A brigand, a barber, a beggar, two orphans, and a boy whore. With such do we defend the realms of men."
They'll do. Jon gave Sam a private smile. "We did."

Noye drew him closer. "You've heard these tidings of your brother?"
Last night. Conwy and his charges had brought the news north with them, and the talk in the common room had been of little else. Jon was still not certain how he felt about it. Robb a king? The brother he'd played with, fought with, shared his first cup of wine with? But not mother's milk, no. So now Robb will sip summerwine from jeweled goblets, while I'm kneeling beside some stream sucking snowmelt from cupped hands. "Robb will make a good king," he said loyally.
Will he now? The smith eyed him frankly. "I hope that's so, boy, but once I might have said the same of Robert."