As quick as lightning the man's head shot forward and his neck stretched out until the top of the head,
where it was flat, struck the Scarecrow in the middle and sent him tumbling, over and over, down the hill.
Almost as quickly as it came the head went back to the body, and the man laughed harshly as he said, "It isn't as easy as you think!"

A chorus of boisterous laughter came from the other rocks, and Dorothy saw hundreds of the armless Hammer-Heads upon the hillside, one behind every rock.
The Lion became quite angry at the laughter caused by the Scarecrow's mishap, and giving a loud roar that echoed like thunder, he dashed up the hill.
Again a head shot swiftly out, and the great Lion went rolling down the hill as if he had been struck by a cannon ball.
Dorothy ran down and helped the Scarecrow to his feet, and the Lion came up to her, feeling rather bruised and sore,
and said, "It is useless to fight people with shooting heads; no one can withstand them."