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来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • You'd best know, Timett killed a man—
  • “有个消息,提魅今天杀了——”
  • Varys told me.
  • “瓦里斯跟我说了。”
  • The sellsword seemed unsurprised. "The fool figured a one-eyed man would be easier to cheat.
  • 佣兵似乎并不意外,“那笨蛋以为独眼龙比较好骗,
  • Timett pinned his wrist to the table with a dagger and ripped out his throat barehanded.
  • 结果提魅用匕首把他手腕钉在桌上,空手撕开了他的喉咙。
  • He has this trick where he stiffens his fingers—"
  • 他这一招很灵,把指头——”
  • Spare me the grisly details, my supper is sitting badly in my belly, Tyrion said. "How goes your recruiting?"
  • “省省细节,一肚子美餐还在我肚子里呢。”提利昂说,“你的人,找得怎样?”
  • Well enough. Three new men tonight.
  • “还不错,今晚又找到三个。”
  • How do you know which ones to hire?
  • “你都是怎么找的?”
  • I look them over. I question them, to learn where they've fought and how well they lie.
  • “先观察,后盘问,弄清他们作战经验的多少和说谎技巧的高低。”
  • Bronn smiled. "And then I give them a chance to kill me, while I do the same for them."
  • 波隆微笑,“最后,我给他们一个杀我的机会,他们也得给我同样的机会。”
  • Have you killed any?
  • “你真的杀了人?”
  • No one we could have used.
  • “只有不中用的家伙。”
  • And if one of them kills you?
  • “那要有人杀了你呢?”
  • He'll be one you'll want to hire.
  • “他就是你需要的人。”
  • Tyrion was a little drunk, and very tired.
  • 提利昂有点醉意,身子疲累至极。
  • "Tell me, Bronn. If I told you to kill a babe... an infant girl, say, still at her mother's breast... would you do it? Without question?"
  • “告诉我,波隆,假如我要你去杀个小婴儿……一个才出世没多久的女孩,而且呢,哎,正在母亲怀中吃奶……你会干吗?并且什么也不问?”
  • Without question? No. The sellsword rubbed thumb and forefinger together. "I'd ask how much."
  • 我得先问价码多少“什么也不问?那不行,”佣兵搓搓食指和拇指,“我得先问价码多少。”
  • And why would I ever need your Allar Deem, Lord Slynt?
  • 史林特大人,我要你的亚拉尔·狄姆做什么?
  • Tyrion thought. I have a hundred of my own.
  • 提利昂心想,我手下这样的人还少么?
  • He wanted to laugh; he wanted to weep; most of all, he wanted Shae.
  • 他忽然既想笑,又想哭,但他最最想要的,是雪伊。


You'd best know, Timett killed a man

Varys told me.
The sellsword seemed unsurprised. "The fool figured a one-eyed man would be easier to cheat. Timett pinned his wrist to the table with a dagger and ripped out his throat barehanded. He has this trick where he stiffens his fingers—"
Spare me the grisly details, my supper is sitting badly in my belly, Tyrion said. "How goes your recruiting?"
Well enough. Three new men tonight.
How do you know which ones to hire?
I look them over. I question them, to learn where they've fought and how well they lie. Bronn smiled. "And then I give them a chance to kill me, while I do the same for them."

Have you killed any?

No one we could have used.
And if one of them kills you?
He'll be one you'll want to hire.
Tyrion was a little drunk, and very tired. "Tell me, Bronn. If I told you to kill a babe... an infant girl, say, still at her mother's breast... would you do it? Without question?"
Without question? No. The sellsword rubbed thumb and forefinger together. "I'd ask how much."
And why would I ever need your Allar Deem, Lord Slynt? Tyrion thought. I have a hundred of my own. He wanted to laugh; he wanted to weep; most of all, he wanted Shae.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
spare [spɛə]


adj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的

grisly ['grizli]


adj. 可怕的,恐怖的

thumb [θʌm]


n. 拇指
v. 翻阅,示意要求搭车

wrist [rist]


n. 手腕,护腕

dagger ['dægə]


n. 短剑,匕首





