1. leave sth. aside 撇开……不谈
If we leave aside nuclear war, nothing seems likely to halt the ascent of the big emerging countries.
如果我们不考虑核战争的因素,似乎没有什么能够阻止新兴大国的崛起 。
2. the breach of 违背
In the traditional theory of contract law, rescission and responsibility for the breach of contract are two independent relief system.
在传统的合同法理论当中,合同解除与违约责任是两种各自独立的救济制度 。
3. hold off on 推迟
She decided to hold off on her vacation for a while longer.
她决定将休假再往后推迟推迟 。
4. keep sth. in check 控制住
Unemployment was stillkept in check but the economy was stagnating.
失业问题仍在掌控之中,但整个经济仍然陷于停滞 。
n. 权力,权威,职权,官方,当局