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来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Yoren called a halt when they were still some distance off,
  • 未到庄园,尤伦便令众人停下,
  • and told Arya and the other boys to guard the wagons while he and Murch and Cutjack went in on foot.
  • 嘱咐艾莉亚和其他男孩守着马车,自己带慕奇和凯杰克徒步趋前探查。
  • A flock of ravens rose from inside the walls when they climbed through the broken gate,
  • 他们翻过破败的大门,惊起墙内群鸦,
  • and the caged ravens in their wagons called out to them with quorks and raucous shrieks.
  • 马车里,笼内的乌鸦朝着同类嘎嘎怪叫。
  • Should we go in after them? Arya asked Gendry after Yoren and the others had been gone a long time.
  • “我们要不要跟着去?”眼看尤伦等人进去了好长一段时间,艾莉亚忍不住问詹德利。
  • Yoren said wait. Gendry's voice sounded hollow.
  • “尤伦叫我们等。”詹德利的声音显得空洞,
  • When Arya turned to look, she saw that he was wearing his helm, all shiny steel and great curving horns.
  • 艾莉亚转过头,发现他已经戴上了那顶闪亮的精钢牛角盔。
  • When they finally returned, Yoren had a little girl in his arms, and Murch and Cutjack were carrying a woman in a sling made of an old torn quilt.
  • 最后他们总算回来了。尤伦怀抱一个小女孩,慕奇和凯杰克则抬着一个破旧棉被做的担架,上面躺着一个女人。
  • The girl was no older than two and she cried all the time, a whimpery sound, like something was caught in her throat.
  • 女孩不到两岁,哭个不停,发出一种近似呜咽的声响,彷佛有什么东西卡在喉咙里出不来。
  • Either she couldn't talk yet or she had forgotten how.
  • 她可能还不会说话,或者忘记了该怎么说。
  • The woman's right arm ended in a bloody stump at her elbow, and her eyes didn't seem to see anything, even when she was looking right at it.
  • 女人右手自肘部齐齐断裂,伤口血肉模糊,她眼神涣散,对周遭事物毫无反应。
  • She talked, but she only said one thing. "Please," she cried, over and over. "Please. Please."
  • 她可以说话,但只会一句:“求求你!”她大声地、反复地喊,“求求你!求求你!”
  • Rorge thought that was funny. He laughed through the hole in his face where his nose had been,
  • 罗尔杰觉得很滑稽,便纵声大笑,笑声从原本是鼻子的凹洞内传出,
  • and Biter started laughing too, until Murch cursed them and told them to shut up.
  • 不多久尖牙也跟着笑起来,直到慕奇一阵咒骂,叫他们闭嘴。


Yoren called a halt when they were still some distance off, and told Arya and the other boys to guard the wagons while he and Murch and Cutjack went in on foot. A flock of ravens rose from inside the walls when they climbed through the broken gate, and the caged ravens in their wagons called out to them with quorks and raucous shrieks.

Should we go in after them? Arya asked Gendry after Yoren and the others had been gone a long time.
Yoren said wait. Gendry's voice sounded hollow. When Arya turned to look, she saw that he was wearing his helm, all shiny steel and great curving horns.

When they finally returned, Yoren had a little girl in his arms, and Murch and Cutjack were carrying a woman in a sling made of an old torn quilt. The girl was no older than two and she cried all the time, a whimpery sound, like something was caught in her throat. Either she couldn't talk yet or she had forgotten how. The woman's right arm ended in a bloody stump at her elbow, and her eyes didn't seem to see anything, even when she was looking right at it. She talked, but she only said one thing. "Please," she cried, over and over. "Please. Please." Rorge thought that was funny. He laughed through the hole in his face where his nose had been, and Biter started laughing too, until Murch cursed them and told them to shut up.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
quilt [kwilt]


n. 被子,被状物
vt. 缝被,缝制,用垫料

raucous ['rɔ:kəs]


adj. 沙声的,粗声的,刺耳的

flock [flɔk]


n. 一群(人,兽),大堆
v. 成群而行,聚

hollow ['hɔləu]


n. 洞,窟窿,山谷
adj. 空的,虚伪的,

elbow ['elbəu]


n. 手肘,急弯,扶手
v. 用手肘推开,推挤





