1. resigned themselves to sth. 顺从
He once had artistic aspiration, but he's resigned himself to a career of office drudgery.
他也曾有过追求艺术道路的抱负,但他还是接受了过沉闷的白领生活的 。
2. true to form 一如既往地
True to form, Charles decided that the best form of defence was attack.
查理还是像往常一样,认定最好的防守就是进攻 。
3. grouse about sth. 对……发牢骚
Bosses complain that younger executives lack assertiveness; the media grouse about unambitious "grass-eating men" .
老板们纷纷抱怨年轻的经理人们缺乏决断力,而中层则对贪图安逸的“食草男”满腹牢骚 。
4. in the wake of sth. 在……之后
But the question of economic rationality has returned with a vengeance in the wake of the current crisis.
但在此次危机过后,经济理性的问题已卷土重来 。
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