They had a laugh over that as they raced ahead to an amorous young miller's wife that Patrek knew. Would that Patrek were with me now, Mallister or no, he was a more amiable riding companion than this sour old priest that his uncle Aeron had turned into.
The path they rode wound up and up, into bare and stony hills. Soon they were out of sight of the sea, though the smell of salt still hung sharp in the damp air. They kept a steady plodding pace, past a shepherd's croft and the abandoned workings of a mine. This new, holy Aeron Greyjoy was not much for talk. They rode in a gloom of silence. Finally Theon could suffer it no longer. "Robb Stark is Lord of Winterfell now," he said.

Aeron rode on. "One wolf is much like the other."
Robb has broken fealty with the Iron Throne and crowned himself King in the North. There's war.
The maester's ravens fly over salt as soon as rock. This news is old and cold.
It means a new day, Uncle.
Every morning brings a new day, much like the old.
In Riverrun, they would tell you different. They say the red comet is a herald of a new age. A messenger from the gods.