So it's only, if we also change our habits over time, if we start doing things, if we, for example, put ourselves on the line, cope.
Or if we start doing the gratitude exercise or writting letters on the regular basis, or starting physical exercise,
arguably being most powerful intervention, to deal with anxiety, depression as well as the ADHD.
And that's when we start doing these things right after the change is going to be ephemeral we are going to go back to where we were before.
Lasting, permanent change — attitude change has to be matched by deeds, by behavior.
Dan Millman — I mentioned him in class a couple of weeks ago, The way of peaceful warrior, talks about the importance of action and change.
He says, quote, "To change the course of your life, choose one of two basic methods.

One. You can direct your energy and attention toward trying to fix your mind, find your focus, affirm your power,
free your emotions and visualize positive outcomes so that you can finally develop the confidence to display the courage
to discover the determination to make the commitment to feel sufficiently motivated to do what it is you need to do. Or you can just do it.
You know, sometimes, easier said than done.
However, very often, you know, jumping into the water, just doing it, taking action
has the same effect as all the preparation, or even the better effect, and leads to an upward spiral.
OK. Then we talked about coping and exiting your comfort zone. Parents, please close your eyes at this point. Alright.