I set out; I walked fast, but not far: ere I had measured a quarter of a mile, I heard the tramp of hoofs;
a horseman came on, full gallop; a dog ran by his side. Away with evil presentiment!
It was he: here he was, mounted on Mesrour, followed by Pilot.
He saw me; for the moon had opened a blue field in the sky, and rode in it watery bright:
he took his hat off, and waved it round his head. I now ran to meet him.
"There!" he exclaimed, as he stretched out his hand and bent from the saddle:
"You can't do without me, that is evident. Step on my boot-toe; give me both hands: mount!"

I obeyed: joy made me agile: I sprang up before him.
A hearty kissing I got for a welcome, and some boastful triumph, which I swallowed as well as I could.
He checked himself in his exultation to demand,
"But is there anything the matter, Janet, that you come to meet me at such an hour? Is there anything wrong?"
"No, but I thought you would never come.
I could not bear to wait in the house for you, especially with this rain and wind."