1. push ahead with 推进
The government pushed ahead with efforts to make the securities market more efficient and attractive despite the global financial crisis.
尽管全球金融危机的影响,政府仍努力推进,使证券市场更有效和更吸引人 。
2. raise concerns about 引发人们对……的担忧
The letters said the software rule raised concerns about censorship and Internet security.
信中称,这项配备软件的规定引发了人们对内容审查和互联网安全的担忧 。
3. interfere with 妨碍;干扰
As long as you do not impose your values and believes on me, as long as you do not interfere with me, I will not interfere with you.
只要你不把你的价值观和信念强加给我,只要你不妨碍我,我也不会妨碍你 。
4. go into effect 生效
Since the agreement went into effect in January, some textile factories have gone out of business.
自从此协议一月生效以来,一些纺织厂就破产了 。
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