'My lord' I had to tell him, 'those are gargoyles.' He chuckled. "Ser Axell might serve for Shireen's father, but in my experience, the more bizarre and shocking a tale the more apt it is to be repeated. Stannis keeps an especially grotesque fool, a lackwit with a tattooed face."
Grand Maester Pycelle gaped at him, aghast. "Surely you do not mean to suggest that Lady Selyse would bring a fool into her bed?"
You'd have to be a fool to want to bed Selyse Florent, said Littlefinger. "Doubtless Patchface reminded her of Stannis. And the best lies contain within them nuggets of truth, enough to give a listener pause. As it happens, this fool is utterly devoted to the girl and follows her everywhere. They even look somewhat alike. Shireen has a mottled, halffrozen face as well."

Pycelle was lost. "But that is from the greyscale that near killed her as a babe, poor thing."
I like my tale better, said Littlefinger, "and so will the smallfolk. Most of them believe that if a woman eats rabbit while pregnant, her child will be born with long floppy ears."
Cersei smiled the sort of smile she customarily reserved for Jaime. "Lord Petyr, you are a wicked creature."
Thank you, Your Grace.