And a most accomplished liar, Tyrion added, less warmly. This one is more dangerous than I knew, he reflected.
Littlefinger's grey-green eyes met the dwarf's mismatched stare with no hint of unease. "We all have our gifts, my lord."
The queen was too caught up in her revenge to take note of the exchange. "Cuckolded by a halfwit fool! Stannis will be laughed at in every winesink this side of the narrow sea."
The story should not come from us, Tyrion said, "or it will be seen for a self-serving lie." Which it is, to be sure.
Once more Littlefinger supplied the answer. "Whores love to gossip, and as it happens I own a brothel or three. And no doubt Varys can plant seeds in the alehouses and pot-shops."

Varys, Cersei said, frowning. "Where is Varys?"
I have been wondering about that myself, Your Grace.
The Spider spins his secret webs day and night, Grand Maester Pycelle said ominously. "I mistrust that one, my lords."
And he speaks so kindly of you. Tyrion pushed himself off his chair. As it happened, he knew what the eunuch was about, but it was nothing the other councilors needed to hear. "Pray excuse me, my lords. Other business calls."
Cersei was instantly suspicious. "King's business?"
Nothing you need trouble yourself about.
I'll be the judge of that.