On November 9th, 2016, around 2:30 a.m. Eastern Time, Donald Trump won enough electoral votes to become the President-elect of the United States of America. Trump's victory was unprecedented, unexpected, and for many on both sides of the political spectrum, unbelievable.
Seemingly everything we thought we knew about polling, the media, and the population itself was wrong. So how did Donald Trump win the 2016 Election? Well, one major upset was the inability to predict which candidate each demographic would prefer.
According to preliminary exit polls, Trump carried mostly white, male voters, while Clinton carried minority female voters. But a smaller proportion of white, black, hispanic, and Asian-American voters cast their ballots for the Democratic candidate in 2016 than in 2012, something polls were unable to predict. Minority voters were expected to make up for Clinton's lower performance among white male voters, especially following xenophobic, and arguably racist rhetoric from Trump.

Clinton's inability to garner enough votes from these demographics is part of the reason Clinton narrowly lost in key states such as Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Since 1992 these states have been Democratic presidential strongholds, but they have large populations of rural and working class white voters, who make up a majority of Trump's base.
In 2012, Barack Obama beat Mitt Romney in Wisconsin by seven points, whereas this year, Clinton lost by just a single point. Clinton's problem in 2016 was that she simply did not gather the Democratic support she needed, while Trump's base stayed consistent.
Between 2012 and 2016 nearly an identical number of Wisconsin voters voted Republican, 1.4 million, while roughly a quarter of a million fewer people voted Democrat. When more people vote, Democrats tend to win, and in this election, more people didn't vote Democrat. In 2008, nearly ten million more voted Democratic than Republican, in 2012 that number was down to six million, and in 2016 the two parties had nearly the same number of voters.