All the while, Republican votes have remained consistent throughout all three elections. It may be more accurate to say that Trump didn't win this election, so much as Clinton lost it.
One of the big reasons proposed for this low Democratic turnout is that Clinton simply did not widely appeal to Democrat voters following the defeat of Bernie Sanders. Many of those who did not support her in the primaries reported feeling coerced into voting for her on the basis that she simply wasn't Trump.
States where Sanders won the primary, such as Wisconsin, didn't see the support Clinton needed to win in the general election. Many of the same rural, working class voters who cast their vote for Sanders may have been more inclined to vote for any outsider candidate rather than necessarily any Democrat.
Those who voted for Bernie Sanders: white men, and millennials, voted Republican at higher rates than in previous elections. Exit polls even show that more Democrats voted for Trump than Republicans voted for Clinton.
And while Clinton got more votes overall from minorities, millennials, and those making under $50,000 annually, Trump was able to secure a larger portion of those demographics than in previous elections.

The 2016 election was also marked by extreme voter apathy, despite the volume of rhetoric in the lead-up. According to some reports, voter turnout was the lowest it has been since the 2000 election, with nearly half of all eligible voters abstaining.
This election has proved wrong nearly every political model used to predict the winner. Hillary Clinton put up a strong campaign, raised 1.3 billion dollars, and had some of the best media organization in history. But in the face of a growing global populist movement, many have pointed to this election as a referendum on change.
Unlike Obama, Clinton was unable to win over the support she needed, despite gaining more votes overall. Ultimately, this election reflects a growing voice in the United States, whether it be those disillusioned with the political system, those who feel disenfranchised within their own party, and even the alt-right, which has devastated the GOP and longtime members such as the Bush family.
But it also shows a change in the way presidential campaigns can be run. Although Trump's win is a surprise, it's the reality we all now live in.
So why did most polls show that Clinton would end up with winning? What's wrong with polling, and should you trust it? Find out in this video.
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