The streak began at 1:40 p.m. on Feb. 5, 2013, at a Banner Bank in Everett,
not far from the Boeing office where Hathaway had designed airplane kitchens for 22 years.
He chose the location because it was rarely busy and right off of Interstate 5, providing rapid egress.
Hathaway had practiced for this, occasionally in front of his mom, who disapproved but was helpless to stop him.
He rehearsed the movements, using the clock on the microwave as a timer to hone the process so he could get in and out in under 45 seconds.
He experimented with disguises, especially his mask.
He tried all kinds of face coverings before settling on a simple gray knit beanie that he could wear without looking suspicious,
then pull down over his face until the fabric was stretched enough to see through. Simple but effective.
By the time he left home that day, Hathaway was "99% certain that I could get away with it."
Still, he was "extremely nervous" as he strolled into that Banner Bank—and then extremely surprised at how easy the actual robbery was.
He'd parked the getaway car, a Ford pickup he stole from a guy who'd left it idling outside a pharmacy, at a Denny's on the far side of the bank, so it was out of view for anyone inside.

It didn't matter if people outside saw him, because he removed his mask before he left and walked out casually, like a customer who'd just stopped in to cash a check.
Hathaway left the key in the ignition, so he didn't need to fumble for it, and the on-ramp for I-5 was within sight, just across the intersection.
All he had to do was pull out, turn right, and go.
But when he turned right, the light was red.
And not only that—at the same light, on the other side, was an Everett police cruiser. Hathaway froze.
"I'm thinking, Are you kidding me? It felt like 10 minutes but was probably 20 seconds."
Then the light turned, and he drove calmly up the on-ramp and was gone.
"I was so happy. I remember driving down I-5 thinking, I can't believe I got away with that. I thought at that point this was so easy."
The cop had been there by chance; he never hit his lights.
And that taught Hathaway something valuable: "It takes a certain amount of time for them to get the call and respond."
He also learned that he should probably observe the sequence and duration of traffic lights. That way, he could be in his car and ready to go as they turned green.