Those three sections have all been put into effect before, but the fourth, which is the process of revoking power from a sitting President, has never been used. It provides a method of removal, where the Vice President, along with a majority of quote "principal officers of the executive departments", submit a joint declaration to leaders in Congress that the President can't fulfill their duties.
So, in theory, should Vice President Mike Pence, and a majority of executive Department heads of Treasury, State, Justice, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Defense, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Energy, Education, Veterans Affairs, and Homeland Security agree that President Donald Trump should be removed, they can jointly submit such a declaration.

But there's one big catch. The 25th Amendment allows for the President to simply submit a second declaration, stating that they are, in fact, capable of fulfilling their duties. In that case, the VP and those department heads have to submit another declaration, forcing Congress to address the issue. From there, Congress gets three weeks to decide, by a two-thirds majority, whether or not the President can resume his position.
In short, the 25th Amendment wasn't really designed to be used to remove a sitting President who wants to stay President. And realistically, if the Vice President, along with most of the executive departments, and a two-thirds majority of Congress are voting to remove the President, by then, it's more likely that he just be impeached.
So can the 25th Amendment remove Donald Trump? Technically yes, but it's not likely. With such a low approval rating and so many calling for his removal from office, how did Donald Trump become president in the first place? Check out this video to the right explaining his unlikely election. Thanks for checking out Now This World, and don't forget to like and subscribe for more episodes just like this every week.
那么,第二十五条修正案能否让唐纳德·特朗普下台呢?理论上来说是可以的,但可能性不大。既然支持率如此之低且如此多的人要求他下台,那么唐纳德·特朗普一开始是怎么成为总统的?观看右侧这段视频,它解释了他不太可能成功的选举。感谢收看Now This World,不要忘记每周都点击喜欢和订阅更多类似的视频。