Party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski (Yare-oslawff Kazinski) once said Poland "can't accept any refugees because "they could spread infectious diseases".
What's interesting is that other leaders in Poland have pushed back against the white nationalism they see coming from the U.S.: when Richard Spencer, a well-known American white nationalist, was scheduled to speak at a far-right conference in Poland, ministry officials pushed back and said that he was not welcome.
The Foreign Minister said Spencer "defames what happened during World War II, defames the Holocaust". That Independence Day March, by the way, also featured chants about getting Jews out of power. It shows you that there's still quite a conflict in addressing nationalism within Poland.
The debate over whether Turkey is part of Europe or Asia has been going on for decades. Under President Erdogan, at least one answer is clear: his ruling Justice and Development Party is about Turkish and at times, Islamic nationalism. Turkey presents a very clear case of the connections between this new nationalism and authoritarianism.

Erdogan has made Turkey an incredibly dangerous place for journalists, curtailing free speech and press freedom, especially when it comes to criticism or opposition. Thousands of people have been arrested while certain press outlets have had their websites blocked by the government.
According to the ruling party, it's all in the name of making Turkey appear unified and strong, in an increasingly destabilized area. Those who support the President say they do so because he "stands up to external aggressors", while others fear it's making the country increasingly isolated.
One reason why nationalism has become more popular in all of these countries are the effects of globalization: those who feel left out or left behind are turning to communities that make them feel more powerful again. But at what cost, this isn't unique to just 2017.
The surprise Brexit vote in 2016 was one of the biggest indicators that a nationalist feeling was prevalent among many voters, though some actually regretted their vote the very next day.
But these effects - the effects of Brexit, Trump, Erdogan and more - are already in motion, not just in these three countries but in others around the world. The lasting effect will reshape the politics of many countries, though how the pendulum swings remains to be seen. And it's something that we'll continue to track into 2018.
Donald Trump espouses an 'America First' philosophy, but his decisions have consequences around the world. For a closer look at one of these decisions, his recognition of Jerusalem as the official capital of Israel, check out this video to the right.
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