Not at all! It's a good thing.
Because you lift weights and then two days later, you lift these weights again. And the next week, you continue lifting these weights. And on and on.
You do it for a month and two and four months and six months. And after a year of lifting weights, you begin to look like me! Or maybe not. So the stress part is actually good for us.
What's the problem though? When do the problems begin with stressing those muscles?

It's when you lift weights, and a minute later, you lift the same weights again, and again, and again, and again, and so on and so on.
What would happen to you then, if you don't take a break, whether it's a break between sessions, whether it's break, days break? What happens to you then?
That's when you get injured. That's when you get hurt. That's when you actually tear or pull a muscle. That's when you become over-worked—and that has psychological as well as physical effects. That's when you are over-trained.
In other words, the problem is not stress, not on the physical level, nor on the psychological level. The problem is lack of recovery.
Individuals who are both successful, happy, thriving, flourishing are ones who do experience stress.