Hi. Good morning. Good morning. Welcome back. Hope you had a wonderful break.
各位早上好 早上好 很高兴又见到大家 希望你们都度过了一个愉快的假期
That you took time to recover, to de-stress. And as it happens, this is the topic today. We'll continue from where we left off before break.
恢复元气 释放压力 这也是今天的主题 我们接着上节课继续讲
So remember we talked about the idea that in fact, stress wasn't the problem, which was the most interesting, surprising- but in retrospect, obvious finding of the research on stress.
上回我们提出 事实上 压力不是问题 这是压力研究最有趣、最令人惊讶、现在看来,也是最显着的发现
That stress in and of itself is actually good, just like in athletics, just like in sports, when we stress a muscle, the muscle develop-it grows.
压力本身其实是件好事 就像在体育运动中 我们给肌肉以压力 肌肉就会发展 增长

When we stress ourselves psychologically, emotionally, we grow. We become more resilient. We become stronger.
我们心理上情感上给予自己压力 我们就会成长 变得更开朗 更坚强
It's not good for a person who's just born to be put in a sterile environment and be protected from all the stresses of the outside world, such as bacteria for example, which stresses the system. Cause it forces to grade antibodies.
从小在无菌环境里长大 从未受过外界任何压力对人是不利的 比如影响机体的细菌 会使人体产生抗体
It's not good for us to be in a sterile environment, not physically- whether it's in a closing environment as babies, not physically in terms of not doing sports, not pushing ourselves, and also not mentally and emotionally-which is why I said you know time and again: I wish you fail more. Because I think it is important to go through hardships, through difficulties.
所以长在无菌环境中对我们是不利的 不仅指生理上婴儿的密闭环境 缺乏运动 还包括心理及情感 所以我常常说 我希望你们遭受更多的失败 因为艰难困苦 能给予我们极大的锻炼