And in fact, we are going to talk about failure right after we finish up with the "Goal setting" lecture, when we discuss perfectionism, which is all about our approach toward failure.
结束“目标设定“的课程后就会开始关于失败的课程 我们会讨论完美主义 也就是对待失败的态度
So stress is not the problem. The problem is lack of recovery.
所以问题不是压力 而是缺乏休整
And that is what we don't have enough of in our culture-not just at Harvard.
不仅仅在哈佛 我们的文化中 都对休息缺乏重视
Most workplaces- there is not enough place for recovery; in most school, most universities- which explains why levels of stress translate themselves to chronic stress, translate themselves to chronic anxiety, translate themselves to depression. It's because we don't have the recovery.
大多数办公场所 都没有足够的地方进行休整 大多数学校、大学 所以压力转变为慢性压力 变成了长期焦虑 变成了抑郁症 就因为我们没有休整
And we talked about recovery on the a few levels-so just a quick recap.
我们还讲了不同层面的休整 快速回顾一下

We talked about recovery on the micro level, which is, for example, every 90 minutes of sprint, 15 minutes break-instead of marathon runners, being sprinters.
微观层面上 休整可以是 比如 每冲刺90分钟 就休息15分钟 不要做马拉松运动员 要做短跑运动员
It's 15 minutes meditation.
It's a one hour lunch, where we really give ourselves time to recover.
一小时的午餐 给自己时间好好休整
It's going to the gym on a regular basis.
It's the 15 minutes of listening to our favorite piece of music, speaking to a friend or whatever it is.
听15分钟喜欢的音乐 与朋友聊天 等等
The recovery on the micro level.
And people who recover, who have recovered during their work day-and this is research done across the river by people like Teresa Amabile or Leslie Perlow, show how important it is in a workplace to have recoveries and people who do it are more productive, more creative and in the long term, also happier.
上班时间进行休整的人……河对岸的特雷莎·阿玛拜尔和莱斯利·珀洛等人 经过研究发现 如果工作场所能提供休整 能使员工效率更高 更有创意 并且长期来看 会更幸福