Higher levels of job satisfaction.
Recovery also on the mezzo level the full night sleep, the day off during once a week at least. Time off recreate so that we can create. And finally, the vacations. Holidays. Longer periods.
中度休整包括一夜好眠 每周至少休息一天 放松休息以便重新投入工作 最后还有假期 节假日 长假
You see, the other thing that happens when we are constantly on the run is that we miss the beauty that's all around us and within us.
如果我们片刻不停的运作 会发生什么 我们错过了身边和自身的风景
We miss the real potential for happiness, for joy, for appreciation that surrounds us day in and day out.
错过了获得快乐幸福 欣赏日常生活中美的机会

And that's why we take things for granted. Because we don't take the time to appreciate, to savor. And it's not natural to do so.
所以我们把一切都当做理所当然 因为我们没有花时间去欣赏体会 这有悖自然
I mean can you imagine? Can you imagine a lion living in our modern world? Can you imagine a lion working at McKinsey? Or in investment banking? Or being on the tenure track?
你们能想象 一头狮子生活在现代世界?在麦肯锡或者投资银行上班 或者成为终身教授?
It's unnatural. You know what a lion needs to do is yawn. They need to play. It is natural.
这很反常 大家都知道狮子要打瞌睡 要追逐嬉戏 这才正常
And remember what we talked about during the first couple of lectures?
The constraint view of human nature-nature to be commanded must be obeyed. Our nature dictates that we need recovery. All animals do.
人性中视野的局限性 服从权力 人的天性需要休整 所有动物都是