But we're not guaranteed that later on chunk of time. All we have is HERE AND NOW. And that's why procrastination feels so right!
但以后的一堆时间是无法保证的 我们能控制的只有此时此地 所以拖延的感觉才这么好
Procrastination is not the problem. It is the solution. It is the universe's way of saying "Stop. Slow down. You move too fast. Listen to the music. Whoa whoa, listen to the music(lyrics of a song by Doobie Brothers "Listen to the Music")."
拖延不是问题 是解决方法 是全世界共同的表达 “停下 慢点 你太快了 听听音乐 什么 听音乐 (杜比兄弟《听音乐》)”
What im trying to say is if you leave here tonight and you don't remember anything else that I've said, leave here and remember this: PROCRASTINATE NOW. DON'T PUT IT OFF. Thank you."
我的意思是 如果你今晚离开这时不记得我说的任何话 只要记住这句就行:现在就拖延 别拖延拖延 谢谢”

OK. Out of everything that I teach, this lecture this topic is the most personally meaningful to me.
好了 我教的所有课程中 这节课这一主题对我来说意义最深远
Because in many ways, my shift, my journey from perfectionism-and it's an on-going journey, a journey that goes on right now as we speak-my journey from perfectionism to the pursuit of excellence is the most intimately linked with my journey toward becoming happier.
因为从许多方面 我的转变 从完美主义到……这一转变仍在进行 此时此刻正在发生 从完美主义转变成追求卓越 这一转变与我的快乐历程紧密相连
So I want to share with you some personal things that I've been through. Some of them are in my book. But I want to expand this-the story beyond squash.
我想给大家讲讲 我的一些个人经历 有些已经写在书里了 我想再扩展一下 不止壁球的故事
So I started playing squash at the age of 11, which was after giving up an illustrious, passionate career as a basketball star.
我11岁开始打壁球 放弃成为篮球明星 这一前途光明 充满激情的事业