The knot was at its severest during tournaments. Very often, I would get to a final of an important tournament and choke and lose the final, even at times when I was supposed to win-on paper at least.
比赛期间情况尤为严重 经常 我闯入了一场重要比赛的决赛 突然发挥失常 输了决赛 哪怕理论上能赢的比赛都输了
That knot didn't go away. When it went away, it was only for very short periods of time. But I knew that the knot would go away.
那个结没有消失 就算消失 也只是很短的一段时间 但我相信它会消失的
And I was sustained by the belief, by the vision, by my personal mission at the time of winning the Israeli National Championships.
当时有一个信念 一个愿望 一个目标一直支撑着我 要赢得以色列全国锦标赛
I said to myself, "if I win this, then I'll be happy; then I'll be calm. And it's all going to be worth it." Why? Because no pain, no gain.
我对自己说 “如果我赢了 我就会快乐 就会平静 一切付出都是值得的”为什么 因为只有付出 才有收获

In 1986, I reached the final of Israeli National Championships and I lost. I was devastated. I was devastated, even though I was the youngest player to ever reach the final, even though I'd beaten players higher than me on the rankings.
1986年 我闯入了以色列全国锦标赛决赛 但我输了 我身心交瘁 虽然我是有史以来最年轻的决赛选手 虽然我击败了排名高于我的选手
I was devastated for months. But still, I went on—no pain, no gain. And I continued to train and work hard.
我一蹶不振好几个月 不过最终 我还是挺过来了 只有付出 才有收获 我继续刻苦训练
In 1987, I met the same player in the final and this time I won. I was ecstatic, joyous, happier than I ever remember myself being. And at that moment, I said to myself, "it all paid off. It was all worth it.
1987年 我在决赛中又碰到了同一个对手 这次我赢了 我欣喜若狂 从未如此快乐过 那一刻 我对自己说“付出终有回报 都是值得的