It was about that time when I realized that NBA was not going to be a…was not going to happen for me. I started playing squash and almost immediately started playing every day.
那时 我意识到NBA的梦想无法实现了 我转而开始打壁球 几乎每天都打
My days revolved; my life at that time revolved around squash.
I would wake up at 5 am in the morning and go for a run. Would come home. Have my food. Go to school.
每天早上5点起床 出门跑步 回到家 吃早餐 上学
Right after school-it was next to the squash, not far from the squash court, I would go to the squash court, play with my coach, work out in the gym, play games. And then, late afternoon, I would go home, do my homework and then go to sleep.
放学后 我会去打壁球 学校就在壁球场附近 距离不远 与教练一起练习 在健身房锻炼 打比赛 一直到傍晚 才回家做作业 然后睡觉

For years, this was my pattern. It was difficult. It was tough, especially the interval training-work out with my coach. However, it was nothing-the toughness was nothing compared to the emotional difficulties at the time.
好几年一直如此 那段时间很苦 很艰难 尤其是间歇训练 与教练一起锻炼 但是 这些训练强度与我心理上遇到的问题比根本不算什么
I was constantly, constantly with almost no recovery, no reprieve I was constantly stressed. There was always a knot that I felt in my stomach. It was real, as if there was a ball here.
我不断受到压力 而且几乎没有休整 我总觉得胃里有个结 感觉很真实 就好像有个球在那里
The knot was especially pronounced, especially difficult after a poor performance in practice when it didn't match to the standards that I had for myself. And it was almost never matched.
每次训练情况不好 与我给自己设定的标准产生距离时 这个结尤其明显 尤其难受 而距离几乎一直存在