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  • "The fact that Meghan will be really unbelievably good at the job part of royal life is a huge relief to me," Harry said at the time, "because she'll be able to deal with everything else that comes with it."
  • 哈里当时说:“梅根会非常擅长王室生活这份工作,这对我来说是一个巨大的安慰,因为她将能够处理随之而来的所有事情。”
  • Had they been "driven out" amid family power struggles, as ITV journalist and longtime Harry friend Tom Bradby has claimed, or did the couple just see a brighter future for themselves outside the confines of the royal family?
  • 他们是像ITV记者和哈里王子的老朋友汤姆·布拉德比所说的那样,在家族权力斗争中被“赶了出来”,还是这对夫妇发现在王室之外有更光明的未来?
  • Those close to Charles deny reports that he sought to slim down the monarchy by squeezing out his younger son and daughter-in-law, and William and Harry issued a joint denial on Jan. 13 that William had "bullied" his brother in any way.
  • 与查尔斯关系密切的人否认了有关他通过排挤小儿子和儿媳来缩减王室的报道。1月13日,威廉和哈里发表联合声明,否认威廉曾以任何方式“欺负”他的弟弟。
  • But what is certain is that Meghan's own words in an interview with Bradby in October revealed the direction things were headed: "It's not enough to just survive something, you've got to thrive."
  • 但可以肯定的是,梅根自己在10月份接受布拉德比采访时所说的话揭示了事情的发展方向:“仅仅活下来是不够的,你必须茁壮成长。”
  • Rather than thrive, sources say, the couple felt stifled by the "ribbon-cutting" nature of much of the job and the financial restrictions on working outside the family firm.
  • 消息人士称,这对夫妇非但没有茁壮成长,反而因为工作的“剪彩”性质和在家族企业之外工作的财务限制而感到窒息。
  • "It is impossible for any foreigner to really understand the subtleties of the British royal family and how they expect one another to behave," says Penny Junor, author of Prince Harry: Brother, Soldier, Son.
  • 《哈里王子:兄弟、士兵、儿子》(Prince Harry: Brother, Soldier, Son)一书的作者彭妮?朱诺(Penny Junor)表示:“任何外国人都不可能真正理解英国王室的微妙之处,以及他们对彼此行为的期望。”
  • Though the particulars have yet to be worked out, declining to continue receiving U.K. taxpayer funds from the Sovereign Grant opens the door to new avenues of income, such as TV and book deals,
  • 尽管细节尚不明确,拒绝继续接受君王拨款提供的英国纳税人的资金带来了新的收入渠道,如电视和书的交易,
  • while allowing the couple to focus on"their own causes with a little less constraint and still be supporting the institution and the monarch," says a friend.
  • 同时也让他们关注“少受约束的事业,并继续支持制度和君主,”一个朋友说。
  • Still, there was bewilderment within the palace walls at Meghan and Harry's statement that they look forward to "continuing to collaborate with Her Majesty the Queen."
  • 尽管如此,梅根和哈里王子说他们期待“继续与女王陛下合作”时,宫内还是有些困惑。
  • "You don't 'collaborate with the Queen," one courtier reacted with incredulity. "To say that about the Queen is remarkable."
  • “你不能和女王合作,”一个朝臣对此表示怀疑。“这么说女王真是了不起。”
  • The move came after months of tension between the couple and the rest of the royal family.
  • 此前,这对夫妇和王室其他成员之间的紧张关系持续了数月。
  • Meghan "was struggling to cope with a new culture, and Harry doesn't know how to best handle things, so they end up making rash decisions because he wants to protect her," says a source close to the royal household.
  • 梅根“正在努力适应一种新的文化,而哈里不知道如何最好地处理事情,所以他们最终做出了草率的决定,因为他想保护她,”一位与王室关系密切的消息人士说。
  • While many insiders note that the couple were lavished by the palace with a grand wedding, refurbished home and tailored foreign tours, the negative press they endured left Meghan "deeply, deeply hurt," says the household source—and feeling unsupported by her in-laws.
  • 据梅根的家庭消息来源说,虽然许多内部人士注意到这对夫妇在王室举办了盛大的婚礼,翻新了房子,定制了国外旅行,但是他们所承受的负面新闻让梅根“深深地,深深地受伤了”,她感觉没有得到婆家的支持。
  • Her outsider status as a biracial American made things even more difficult.
  • 作为一个混血美国人,她的局外人身份让事情变得更加困难。
  • When she told Bradby, a longtime Harry pal, that "not many people have asked" if she was doing "okay," insiders said the comment was aimed squarely at the family.
  • 当她告诉哈里多年的好友布拉德比,“没有多少人问过”她是不是过得“好”时,内部人士说,这番话完全是针对这个家庭的。


"The fact that Meghan will be really unbelievably good at the job part of royal life is a huge relief to me," Harry said at the time, "because she'll be able to deal with everything else that comes with it."


Had they been "driven out" amid family power struggles, as ITV journalist and longtime Harry friend Tom Bradby has claimed, or did the couple just see a brighter future for themselves outside the confines of the royal family?


Those close to Charles deny reports that he sought to slim down the monarchy by squeezing out his younger son and daughter-in-law, and William and Harry issued a joint denial on Jan. 13 that William had "bullied" his brother in any way.


But what is certain is that Meghan's own words in an interview with Bradby in October revealed the direction things were headed: "It's not enough to just survive something, you've got to thrive."


Rather than thrive, sources say, the couple felt stifled by the "ribbon-cutting" nature of much of the job and the financial restrictions on working outside the family firm.



"It is impossible for any foreigner to really understand the subtleties of the British royal family and how they expect one another to behave," says Penny Junor, author of Prince Harry: Brother, Soldier, Son.

《哈里王子:兄弟、士兵、儿子》(Prince Harry: Brother, Soldier, Son)一书的作者彭妮•朱诺(Penny Junor)表示:“任何外国人都不可能真正理解英国王室的微妙之处,以及他们对彼此行为的期望。”

Though the particulars have yet to be worked out, declining to continue receiving U.K. taxpayer funds from the Sovereign Grant opens the door to new avenues of income, such as TV and book deals,


while allowing the couple to focus on"their own causes with a little less constraint and still be supporting the institution and the monarch," says a friend.


Still, there was bewilderment within the palace walls at Meghan and Harry's statement that they look forward to "continuing to collaborate with Her Majesty the Queen."


"You don'tcollaborate with the Queen," one courtier reacted with incredulity. "To say that about the Queen is remarkable."


The move came after months of tension between the couple and the rest of the royal family.


Meghan "was struggling to cope with a new culture, and Harry doesn't know how to best handle things, so they end up making rash decisions because he wants to protect her," says a source close to the royal household.


While many insiders note that the couple were lavished by the palace with a grand wedding, refurbished home and tailored foreign tours, the negative press they endured left Meghan "deeply, deeply hurt," says the household sourceand feeling unsupported by her in-laws.


Her outsider status as a biracial American made things even more difficult.


When she told Bradby, a longtime Harry pal, that "not many people have asked" if she was doing "okay," insiders said the comment was aimed squarely at the family.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
joint [dʒɔint]


adj. 联合的,共同的,合资的,连带的

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负

blame [bleim]


n. 过失,责备
vt. 把 ... 归咎于,

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

denial [di'naiəl]


n. 否认,拒绝

status ['steitəs]


n. 地位,身份,情形,状况

rash [ræʃ]


adj. 鲁莽的
n. 疹子,大量

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采





