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Hey there. I'm Mike Rugnetta. This is a crash course at feeder.

嘿 大家好 我是迈克·鲁格内塔 这里是"戏剧速成课堂"
And today we head to the Americas at a time when Broadway was just another unpaved part of not yet even New Amsterdam.
今天我们要讲古老的美洲 那会儿百老汇还只是尚未开化的新阿姆斯特丹的尚未开化的一部分
So we're gonna head to Mexico to learn about a woman who brought the Spanish Golden Age to the so called new world.
And guess what? she was a nun. why is it always the nuns Yorick?
猜猜怎么着 她是名修女 为什么总是修女 尤里克?
We shouldn't get too far before being super clear.
There was a theater in Central America way before any Europeans.
And it will probably seem familiar. Pre-columbian theater looks like religious ritual and is associated with various religious festivals.
大家可能会觉得熟悉 哥伦布发现美洲大陆之前的美洲戏剧看起来也像某种宗教仪式 与各种宗教节日有关
When Aztecs conducted a sacrifice, they did it in style with costumes and parades and animals,
阿兹特克人在祭祀时 他们会用装束、游行和动物来彰显风格
though maybe don't get too attached to those animals or some of the people wearing the costumes.
In the 16th century, an indigenous onlooker whose words were later copied by a missionary,
16世纪 一位当地的旁观者描述了羽蛇的创造者“羽蛇神”的庆祝活动
described a celebration for the feathered serpent creator deity Quetzalcoatl.
The actors came out and performed short comic pieces, pretending to be deaf, afflicted with colds,
演员们登场 表演一些短小的搞笑片段 假装聋了 病了
halt, blind, and missing an arm, all coming to the idol to ask for health.
瘸了 瞎了 残疾了 以此来向羽蛇神祈求健康
The deaf ones would give foolish answers and those with colds coughed.
聋子会假装说一些不着边儿的回答 病人会假装一直咳嗽
The halt, limping about described their miseries and complaints, and made the people laugh heartily.
他们瘸着腿走来走去 诉说自己的悲惨遭遇并不停抱怨 逗得观众大笑不止
Others that came out representing vermin, with some dressed as beetles, others as toads, others as lizards, and so on.…
有些演员会扮成甲壳虫 有些会扮成癞蛤蟆 还有些会扮成蜥蜴 等等
After this was over they performed a dance with all these actors, and the festival ended.
之后所有演员会一起跳一场舞来结束演出 演出结束则意味着节日过完了
There you have it folks—Ability Related Comedy and Vermin Dance. Fun times for all?
这就是所谓的“才华喜剧表演”和“害虫舞” 所有人的娱乐项目?


But lizards aside, we don't have to look especially hard to draw connections between this and the kind of medieval comedy

不过 先不说什么蜥蜴 我们其实没有必要去竭力捕捉该类型喜剧和
that informed the Cycle Plays or even all the way back to ancient Farce.
Things change after the Spanish arrived, obviously for a lot of reasons, not the least of which being genocide.
在西班牙人到来之后事情发生了变化 很明显原因很多 其中最主要的就是种族灭绝
If you've watched a Crash Course World History, you'll know that the attitude of the Spaniards towards Native religious practices was not exactly chill.
如果你看过“世界历史速成班” 你就会知道其实西班牙人对待当地人民的宗教习俗的态度并不冷淡
Admittedly some native religious practices did involve human sacrifice.
不过不可否认的一点是 他们的宗教习俗里确实有活人祭祀一说
The invading Spanish practice forced conversion, stamping out native Aztec rituals often violently.
西班牙人在入侵之后强行改变当地人的信仰 通常会以暴力的方式来消除阿兹特克人的宗教仪式
Missionaries had native peoples perform Bible stories and take part in historical pageants on fun topics like
传教士则让当地人表演圣经故事并参加一些讲述趣味话题的历史盛会 比如
how the great and honourable Spaniards had conquered the evil and terrible Moors.
Guess which side the indigenous peoples played?
Turns out performance is a pretty useful way to spread religion and Imperial propaganda and impose your preferred historical narratives.
事实证明 “表演”是传播宗教和做帝国主义宣传的一种非常有用的方式 表演可以把你喜欢的历史故事灌输给他人
We know about some of this because of the Franciscan monk Alonso Ponce.
From 1584 to 1589, he toured more than a hundred and seventy convents and had his secretary write down all of the performances he saw.
1584年至1589年间 他游历了170多家修道院 并让助手将自己所看到的所有的表演都记录了下来
Ponce saw a lot of european-style Bible stories and battle reenactments with indigenous actors basically acting out to their own defeat.
庞塞看到了很多带有欧洲特色的圣经故事和一些土著演员对历史战争的重演 基本上都是重演他们的败仗
But the secretary also noted games and acrobatics, which had a non European vibe and probably reflected earlier indigenous performance.
不过助手还记录了一些毫无欧洲特色的游戏和杂技 映射的大概是早期的土著表演
Throughout the 16th century, colonial authors translated religious dramas imported from Spain into indigenous languages.
整个16世纪 殖民作家将从西班牙引进的宗教戏剧翻译成了当地的语言
And then began writing their own plays also in local languages to proselytize with.
之后他们开始自己写剧本 同时还用当地语言来进行传教
These were mostly religious allegories or takes on Bible stories, such as the Three Kings or the Sacrifice of Isaac.
其中大多是宗教寓言或者圣经故事 比如《三王记》、《以撒的牺牲》等
But by the end of the century, Spanish was becoming the dominant language of theater,
到了19世纪末 西班牙语成为了戏剧的主打语言
and Mexico City was becoming the theatrical center of the Spanish Empire.
In 1565, the city established a prize for the best Corpus Christi play.
1565年 该城设立了“最佳基督圣体节戏剧奖”
And by the early 1600s, people were building Spanish style theaters and starting professional acting companies.
到了17世纪早期 人们开始建造西班牙风格的剧院 并成立了专业的表演公司
That brings us to Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz—the first feminist of the Americas, the last great writer of the Spanish Golden Age,
再之后就有了索尔·胡安娜·伊内斯·德拉克鲁丝 她是第一位美洲女权主义者、是西班牙黄金时代最后一位伟大的作家、
and the only one to get her own steamy Netflix show—Juana Ynez.
也是唯一一个拥有自己的色情网飞节目的人 即“胡安娜·伊内兹”
Take that, Lope de Vega.
拿走不谢 洛佩·德·维加(西班牙男诗人和剧作家)
Like Hrotsvitha, she too had some dope nicknames—the tenth Muse, the Phoenix of America.
和赫罗斯维塔一样 克鲁丝也有一些很酷的绰号 “第十缪斯” “美洲的凤凰”
And like Hrotsvitha, she wrote in a lot of genres, including philosophy, theology, a ton of poems, several Karol sequences, and 27 plays.
和赫罗斯维塔一样的还有 她写了很多体裁的作品 包括哲学、神学、很多诗歌、几首颂歌和27部戏剧
Most of them introductions to Autdos Sacramentables, including the Loa of the Divine Narcissus which we'll look at in a minute.
其中大部分都是对奥托斯圣礼的介绍 包括《对神圣那喀索斯的赞美》 我们马上就会讲到
She wrote a few full-length comedies, including A Ponds of A House which includes a strong-minded young woman who wants to become a nun,
她还写了几部长篇喜剧 其中有《屋后池塘》 讲述的是一位意志坚强的年轻女子想成为修女的故事
and Love is More Elaborate about Theseus Ariadne and Phaedra.
还有《复杂的爱情》 讲述的是忒修斯·阿里阿德涅和菲德拉之间的故事
Doesn't really sound like a comedy, but that hasn't stopped anyone yet.
听起来是不是不咋像喜剧呢 不过这并不能阻止它们成为经典
Sor Juana was born in Mexico in 1648, the illegitimate daughter of a Spanish military officer.
索尔·胡安娜于1648年出生于墨西哥 是一名西班牙军官的私生女
She was mostly self educated and said that she wrote her first play at the age of 8. So she was pretty precocious too.
她基本上自学成才 而且据说她第一次写剧本是在8岁的时候 所以说她也很早熟
She later moved to Mexico City where she begged to be allowed to dress as a boy, so she could attend University.
后来她搬到了墨西哥城并在那里请求允许自己打扮成男孩儿 这样她就可以上大学了
But she had to continue her education privately.
可惜请求被拒绝 她不得不继续上私塾
She became a favorite of the Spanish Viceroy and his wife and lived at court where she continued her education, learning Latin and also Nawafil
后来她被西班牙总督以及总督的妻子看重 可以在宫廷里接受教育 学习拉丁语和纳瓦菲尔语
She spent a few years as a lady-in-waiting.
And then in 1669 as she decided to join an order of Hiranomight nuns—a comparatively relaxed order, she'd already received several offers of marriage.
1669年 当她决定加入希拉马伊特修女的一家修会(一家相对不那么严格的修会)时 她已经收到了几份求婚书
But she knew that if she got married, she would have to devote herself to her family and be subservient to her husband. Boring!
但是她清楚 如果自己结婚了 那就得把自己奉献给家庭 对丈夫百依百顺 那样太没意思了!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
divine [di'vain]


adj. 神的,神圣的
vt. 推断

dominant ['dɔminənt]


adj. 占优势的,主导的,显性的
n. 主宰

professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人

defeat [di'fi:t]


n. 败北,挫败
vt. 战胜,击败

involve [in'vɔlv]


vt. 包含,使陷入,使忙于,使卷入,牵涉

subservient [səb'sə:viənt]


adj. 卑屈的,奉承的,次要的,从属的

medieval [medi'i:vəl]


adj. 中世纪的

propaganda [.prɔpə'gændə,prɔpə'gændə]


n. 宣传,宣传的内容

military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队

lope [ləup]


v. (使)大步慢跑 n. 大步慢跑





