but they are best spoken of privily.
"Very well." The harpist and the piper bowed and hurried out, while Cersei kissed her cousin chastely on the cheek.
"Leave us, Lancel. My brother's harmless when he's alone.
If he'd brought his pets, we'd smell them."
The young knight gave his cousin a baleful glance and pulled the door shut forcefully behind him.
"I'll have you know I make Shagga bathe once a fortnight," Tyrion said when he was gone.
"You're very pleased with yourself, aren't you? Why?"
"Why not?" Tyrion said. Every day, every night, hammers rang along the Street of Steel, and the great chain grew longer.
He hopped up onto the great canopied bed. "Is this the bed where Robert died? I'm surprised you kept it."
"It gives me sweet dreams," she said. "Now spit out your business and waddle away, Imp."
Tyrion smiled. "Lord Stannis has sailed from Dragonstone."
Cersei bolted to her feet. "And yet you sit there grinning like a harvest-day pumpkin?
Has Bywater called out the City Watch? We must send a bird to Harrenhal at once.
He was laughing by then. She seized him by the shoulders and shook him. "Stop it. Are you mad, or drunk? Stop it!"