Meg sat down and her father took her hands. 'Meg, last week Johnnie Vickers came to my house. He wanted to talk about his daughter. You remember Anna, Meg? Three months ago she jumped off a bridge in Boston and died. She was young, beautiful, rich -- and she didn't want to live. Why? Because she loved a man, and the man took her money, ran away and left her. And the man was called --'
'No!' said Meg. 'NO!'
'Yes, Meg, yes. He was called Mr Hollywood.'

'No!' shouted Meg. She began to cry.
'That's right, Miss Hutson,' said detective Keat quietly. 'To you, he gave the name Craig Winters. When Anna Vickers knew him, he was Carl Windser. But he liked all his ... er ... girlfriends to call him Mr Hollywood. He took nearly 50,000 dollars from Anna Vickers. And there was a girl before that ...'
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