The latest poll by the platform of Independent Media suggests more than 66 percent of Catalans would opt for a republic
while only 14.6 would choose the monarchy. We have no obligation to be under the command of a person who has not been chosen by anyone.
That rejection becomes obvious in the form of protests that break out every time the king makes a rare visit to Catalonia,
like the one King Felipe made recently. We do not want a king. We are republicans.
As many in Catalonia see it, the country's judicial system defends the monarchy and Spain's cohesion by handling down tough prison sentences for independence leaders.
This generalized repression has to end and therefore the political path has to be taken to resolve a political conflict.
It will not be resolved with the prison or with the penal code.

On the conservative side, Vox Party officials defend the system as one that imparts equality under the law for all.
There are procedural guarantees when first investigated and later with evidence of crime, they have been condemned.
The law has not been applied differently than to any other citizen.
It is only in the three but very influential regions of Madrid, Andalucia and Valencia that respondents selected the monarchy as the best option for Spain.
In Catalonia, separatists will have another opportunity to manifest their will when they go to the polls in regional elections next February.
For Alfonso Beato in Barcelona, I'm Jonathan Spier, VOA news