The boy watched as his companion went to his horse and withdrew a scimitar. With its blade, he drew a circle in the sand, and then he placed the snake within it.
The serpent relaxed immediately.
"Not to worry," said the alchemist.
"He won't leave the circle. You found life in the desert, the omen that I needed."
"Why was that so important?"
"Because the Pyramids are surrounded by the desert."
The boy didn't want to talk about the Pyramids. His heart was heavy, and he had been melancholy since the previous night.
To continue his search for the treasure meant that he had to abandon Fatima.
"I'm going to guide you across the desert," the alchemist said.
"I want to stay at the oasis," the boy answered.
"I've found Fatima, and, as far as I'm concerned, she's worth more than treasure."

"Fatima is a woman of the desert," said the alchemist.
"She knows that men have to go away in order to return. And she already has her treasure: it's you. Now she expects that you will find what it is you're looking for."
"Well, what if I decide to stay?"
"Let me tell you what will happen. You'll be the counselor of the oasis. You have enough gold to buy many sheep and many camels.
You'll marry Fatima, and you'll both be happy for a year.
You'll learn to love the desert, and you'll get to know every one of the fifty thousand palms.
You'll watch them as they grow, demonstrating how the world is always changing.
And you'll get better and better at understanding omens, because the desert is the best teacher there is."
"Sometime during the second year, you'll remember about the treasure.
The omens will begin insistently to speak of it, and you'll try to ignore them.
You'll use your knowledge for the welfare of the oasis and its inhabitants.
The tribal chieftains will appreciate what you do.
And your camels will bring you wealth and power."