"During the third year, the omens will continue to speak of your treasure and your personal legend.
You'll walk around, night after night, at the oasis, and Fatima will be unhappy because she'll feel it was she who interrupted your quest.
But you will love her, and she'll return your love.
You'll remember that she never asked you to stay, because a woman of the desert knows that she must await her man.
So you won't blame her.
But many times you'll walk the sands of the desert, thinking that maybe you could have left ... that you could have trusted more in your love for Fatima.
Because what kept you at the oasis was your own fear that you might never come back.
At that point, the omens will tell you that your treasure is buried forever."

"Then, sometime during the fourth year, the omens will abandon you, because you've stopped listening to them.
The tribal chieftains will see that, and you'll be dismissed from your position as counselor.
But, by then, you'll be a rich merchant, with many camels and a great deal of merchandise.
You'll spend the rest of your days knowing that you didn't pursue your personal legend, and that now it's too late."
"You must understand that love never keeps a man from pursuing his personal legend.
If he abandons that pursuit, it's because it wasn't true love ... the love that speaks the Language of the World."
The alchemist erased the circle in the sand, and the snake slithered away among the rocks.
The boy remembered the crystal merchant who had always wanted to go to Mecca, and the Englishman in search of the alchemist.
He thought of the woman who had trusted in the desert.
And he looked out over the desert that had brought him to the woman he loved.
They mounted their horses, and this time it was the boy who followed the alchemist back to the oasis.
The wind brought the sounds of the oasis to them, and the boy tried to hear Fatima's voice.
But that night, as he had watched the cobra within the circle, the strange horseman with the falcon on his shoulder had spoken of love and treasure, of the women of the desert and of his personal legend.
"I'm going with you," the boy said. And he immediately felt peace in his heart.
"We'll leave tomorrow before sunrise," was the alchemist's only response.