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爱的教育(MP3+中英字幕) 第44期:十一月-伦巴底少年侦探(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "Take care, now!" exclaimed the officer, making a movement to hold him back, as though seized with a sudden terror.
  • “当心!”士官的叫声好像要他转来。
  • The boy turned to look at him, with his handsome blue eyes, as though interrogating him.
  • 少年回过头来,用青色的眼珠看着主官,似乎问他 什么。
  • "No matter," said the officer; "up with you."
  • “没有什么,你上去。”
  • Up went the lad like a cat.
  • 少年就像猫一样地上去了。
  • "Keep watch ahead!" shouted the officer to the soldiers.
  • “注意前面!”士官向着兵士扬声。
  • In a few moments the boy was at the top of the tree, twined around the trunk,
  • 少年已爬上了树梢。身子被枝条网着。
  • with his legs among the leaves, but his body displayed to view,
  • 脚被树叶遮住了,从远处却可望见他的上身。
  • and the sun beating down on his blond head, which seemed to be of gold.
  • 那蓬蓬的头发,在日光中闪作黄金色。
  • The officer could hardly see him, so small did he seem up there.
  • 树真高,从下面望去,少年的身体编得很小了。
  • "Look straight ahead and far away!" shouted the officer.
  • “一直看前面!”士官叫着说。
  • The lad, in order to see better, removed his right hand from the tree, and shaded his eyes with it.
  • 少年将右手放了树干,遮在眼上望。
  • "What do you see?" asked the officer.
  • “见有什么吗?”士官问。
  • The boy inclined his head towards him, and making a speaking-trumpet of his hand, replied, "Two men on horseback, on the white road."
  • 少年向了下面,用手圈成喇叭摆在口头回答说:“有两个骑马的在路上站着呢。”
  • "At what distance from here?"
  • “离这里多少路?”
  • "Half a mile."
  • “半英里。”
  • "Are they moving?"
  • “他们在动吗?”
  • "They are standing still."
  • “只是站着。”
  • "What else do you see?" asked the officer, after a momentary silence. "Look to the right." The boy looked to the right.
  • “别的还看见什么?向右边看。”
  • Then he said: "Near the cemetery, among the trees, there is something glittering. It seems to be bayonets."
  • 少年向右方望:“近墓地的地方,树林里有什么亮晶晶的东西,大概是枪刺吧。”
  • "Do you see men?"
  • “不见有人吗?”
  • "No. They must be concealed in the grain."
  • “没有,也许躲在稻田中。”
  • At that moment a sharp whiz of a bullet passed high up in the air, and died away in the distance, behind the house.
  • 这时,“嘶”的一声,子弹从空中掠了过来,落在农舍后面。

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"Take care, now!" exclaimed the officer, making a movement to hold him back, as though seized with a sudden terror.


The boy turned to look at him, with his handsome blue eyes, as though interrogating him.

少年回过头来,用青色的眼珠看着主官,似乎问他 什么。

"No matter," said the officer; "up with you."


Up went the lad like a cat.


"Keep watch ahead!" shouted the officer to the soldiers.


In a few moments the boy was at the top of the tree, twined around the trunk, with his legs among the leaves, but his body displayed to view, and the sun beating down on his blond head, which seemed to be of gold. The officer could hardly see him, so small did he seem up there.


"Look straight ahead and far away!" shouted the officer.


The lad, in order to see better, removed his right hand from the tree, and shaded his eyes with it.



"What do you see?" asked the officer.


The boy inclined his head towards him, and making a speaking-trumpet of his hand, replied, "Two men on horseback, on the white road."


"At what distance from here?"


"Half a mile."


"Are they moving?"


"They are standing still."


"What else do you see?" asked the officer, after a momentary silence. "Look to the right." The boy looked to the right.


Then he said: "Near the cemetery, among the trees, there is something glittering. It seems to be bayonets."


"Do you see men?"


"No. They must be concealed in the grain."


At that moment a sharp whiz of a bullet passed high up in the air, and died away in the distance, behind the house.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

trunk [trʌŋk]


n. 树干,躯干,干线, 象鼻,(汽车后部)行李箱

movement ['mu:vmənt]


n. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章

terror ['terə]


n. 恐怖,惊骇,令人惧怕或讨厌的人或事物

concealed [kən'si:ld]


adj. 隐蔽的,隐匿的


关键字: 有声读物 爱的教育




