"Oh, you may carry that feeling away with you.
I assure you that your little problem promises to be the most interesting which has come my way for some months.
There is something distinctly novel about some of the features.
If you should find yourself in doubt or in danger..."
"Danger! What danger do you foresee?"
Holmes shook his head gravely. "It would cease to be a danger if we could define it," said he.
"But at any time, day or night, a telegram would bring me down to your help."

"That is enough." She rose briskly from her chair with the anxiety all swept from her face.
"I shall go down to Hampshire quite easy in my mind now.
I shall write to Mr. Rucastle at once, sacrifice my poor hair tonight, and start for Winchester tomorrow."
With a few grateful words to Holmes she bade us both good-night and bustled off upon her way.
"At least," said I as we heard her quick, firm steps descending the stairs,
"she seems to be a young lady who is very well able to take care of herself."
"And she would need to be," said Holmes gravely. "I am much mistaken if we do not hear from her before many days are past."