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Winter Olympics count down

dialogue 1

Jingjing: Do you know _____today is, Mark?

Mark: It's _____, February 4th. Is it a _____day?

Jingjing: Yes. Today begins the _____ to the_ Winter Olympic Games inBeijing.

Mark: Wow, that's great. I'm looking _____ to it!

Jingjing: You live near the _____ here in Beijing, don't you? Have you seen many__?

Mark: I sure have. There's a _____ that just got _____ in the park where ____.

Jingjing: Right. According to ___ _, construction on all _____ is _____.

Mark: That's____ news. I remember the first ____ after the _____ back in _____.

Jingjing: Which ____ is that?

Mark: The Olympic _____ at the _gate of the ____.

Jingjing: That's been _____ for a long time.

Mark: No one _____. I think Beijing _________

Jingjing: That _____ to _____. But it really is one of Beijing's _______ now.

Mark: Yeah. There are _____ along that park. It'll be a real _____, even after the _____of Games in _____.

Jingjing: Ithink that's the _____.

Mark: Iagree. _________________

Jingjing: Hey, quick_ question: Who _____ the most _ Olympics?

Mark: Was it_____?

Jingjing: Nope. It was _____.

Mark: You mean the ______ Olympics in_? Those were _ games. Go _.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, have you been _____a _____ at some of the _?

Mark: Well, like I said, there's _____ near my ____. I think it's the _____.

Jingjing: That one's quite _____. I haven't _____, but I've seen______.

Mark: I got to see it being _. Also, I heard that they ____ the_ _____ and had great_ with it.

Jingjing: It's nice to know everything's ______. The _ president, Thomas Bach even _____ the _______ work as “ _____ ”.

Mark: Right. I also heard this is _____ to be a _____ Olympics.

Jingjing: Yeah, that's what the IOC _______. Beijing is really _____, with energy _______ and _______ technology.

Mark: Good. I can't wait to_ the games.

Jingjing: What's your ______?

Mark: Hmm, it's hard to choose between _____, _____, and _____.

Jingjing: That's a long ____! If you _____ well, you might be able to get _____ to _____ different events.

Mark: Jingjing, can you keep a _____?

Jingjing: Umm, I guess. What's for the__?

Mark: If you try to get _____ for _____ in the sport you like _____, you're more likely to _____ them—ratherthan going for the _____.

Jingjing: That's a good idea.

Mark: Yep. You just have to ____ you can _____ to all the _____.

Jingjing: Iknow. They're pretty _____: Wukesong, Zhangjiakou, and of course Beijing's _____ Olympic Green.

Mark: Well, here's _____ for a _____ February 4th, next year!

Jingjing: You _____ it, Mark._____!

new words andphrases

from dialogue 1


tourist magnet:


from dialogue 2

see with own eyes:

stepping it up:

hush hush:


重点单词   查看全部解释    
haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

hush [hʌʃ]


n. 肃静,安静,沉默
vi. 安静下来,掩饰

construction [kən'strʌkʃən]


n. 建设,建造,结构,构造,建筑物

score [skɔ:]


n. 得分,刻痕,二十,乐谱
vt. 记分,刻

magnet ['mægnit]


n. 磁体,磁铁,有强大吸引力的人或物





